
Can you run after PCL injury?

Can you run after PCL injury?

You should return in moderation, and back off if you feel any pain. A typical surgery patient may be able to ride a bike at three months, start running at five to seven months, and return to competitive sports after eight to 12 months. Full recovery may take up to two years.

Does a Grade 2 PCL tear require surgery?

A partial PCL tear, grade I and II, are typically treated non-operatively with a long course of intensive physical therapy to strengthen the surrounding muscles controlling the knee. Complete PCL tears often require surgical treatment to regain knee stability.

How long does it take for a PCL strain to heal?

Recovery time can vary from person to person. If your injury is mild, it may only take about 10 days to heal. If you’ve had surgery to repair your PCL, recovery could take about six to nine months.

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Which is worse PCL or ACL tear?

Although it is larger and stronger than the ACL, the PCL can be torn. PCL tears make up less than 20\% of injuries to knee ligaments. Injuries that tear the PCL often damage some of the other ligaments or cartilage in the knee, as well.

How long does a grade 3 PCL tear take to heal?

Expected recovery usually occurs in about three months at which time swelling may be resolved and strength recovered. A full return to active sports is usually possible. If PCL reconstruction is needed, full recovery may take 9-12 months.

How serious is a PCL tear?

PCL injuries are usually partial ligament tears, and typically heal on their own, without causing stability issues, so long as the knee is protected during healing, and there are no other knee joint injuries. However, PCL injuries can lead to osteoarthritis of the knee.

Does the PCL repair itself?

PCL injuries are usually partial ligament tears, and typically heal on their own, without causing stability issues, so long as the knee is protected during healing, and there are no other knee joint injuries.