
Can you set a stop loss and limit sell at the same time Binance?

Can you set a stop loss and limit sell at the same time Binance?

Placing stop loss and take profit orders on Binance is always a problem. If you use a Stop Limit order, your balance will be blocked, so you cannot use stop loss and take profit simultaneously.

Can you set stop limits on Binance?

To do this, log in to your Binance account and go to the BNB / BTC market. Then click on the Stop-Limit tab and set the stop and limit prices, along with the amount of BNB to be sold. When you click on Sell BNB, a confirmation window will appear.

Where do you put stop-loss and take profit?

In the support method, an investor determines the most recent support level of the stock and places the stop-loss just below that level. The moving average method sees the stop-loss placed just below a longer-term moving average price.

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What’s the difference between sell limit and sell stop?

A buy limit order is a limit order to buy at a specified price. A sell stop order is a stop order to sell at a market price after a stop price parameter has been reached.

Can you set two stop limits?

The answer to this question is yes, since the market must trade through a limit order before a protective stop loss. A limit order is an order type that allows a trader to place a trade at a specific price and get filled at either that price or better depending on where the market trades first.

How do you set a stop and limit price?

With a sell stop limit order, you can set a stop price below the current price of the stock. If the stock falls to your stop price, it triggers a sell limit order. Shares will only be sold at your limit price or higher.

How do you set a stop limit sell?

Sell Stop Limit A sell stop order tells the market maker/broker to sell the stocks if the price decreases to the stop point or below, but only if the trader earns a specific price per share. For example, if the current price per share is $60, the trader can set a stop price at $55 and a limit order at $53.

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How do you set a stop limit order?

The investor has put in a stop-limit order to buy with the stop price at $160 and the limit price at $165. If the price of AAPL moves above the $160 stop price, then the order is activated and turns into a limit order. As long as the order can be filled under $165, which is the limit price, the trade will be filled.