
Can you take a defensive driving course online NY?

Can you take a defensive driving course online NY?

You can go through the defensive driving New York online, at your own pace, any day or time you want. New York Safety Program is approved by the New York State DMV to offer NY defensive driving online. You will have up to 30 days to complete your online defensive driving NY program.

How many modules are in NYS defensive driving course?

4 modules
Designed to be straight-forward, the course consists of 4 modules and upon completion, your certificate is sent directly to you via fist class mail. Taking this course will give you the benefits of point and insurance reduction as well as providing you with valuable skills to remain safe while driving.

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How long is the defensive driving course NY?

320 minutes
The classroom course is 320 minutes long. It is presented in one or more sessions. The course must include essential information about traffic safety. It must cover these and other topics: driver attitude and behavior, defensive driving techniques, and the Vehicle & Traffic Law.

What is the minimum car insurance you must have in NYS?

Mandated New York Auto Insurance Coverage The minimum amount of liability coverage you’ll need: $10,000 for property damage for a single accident. $25,000 for bodily injury and $50,000 for death for a person involved in an accident. $50,000 for bodily injury and $100,000 for death for two or more people in an accident.

Is iDriveSafely approved in NY?

New York Defensive Driving Course Our New York IPIRP course is fully approved by the New York State DMV and 100\% online, which means you set the schedule. You decide when it’s time to study and when it’s time to take a break.

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How long does defensive driver last?

Completing an approved defensive driving course typically results in a car insurance discount that lasts for three years. Discounts for defensive driving courses vary from 5\% to 20\%. Most insurance companies offer defensive driving discounts of about 10\%.

Is Newyorksafetycouncil com legit?

Is New York Safety Council Legit? New York Safety Council is legit and approved by the New York City DMV. However, there are hidden fees and technical difficulties that you would encounter while taking the course. They have poor customer service as well.

Is PIP required in NY?

New York PIP coverage is a mandatory part of your auto insurance. Minimum PIP covers the insured for up to $50,000 for injuries incurred in a single accident. You can purchase more than the $50K minimum PIP coverage if you wish.