
Can you transform data in SQL?

Can you transform data in SQL?

Another useful data transformation is to change the data type of a column within a query. You can now apply text functions to this transformed column.

How do you reshape data in SQL?

  2. (
  3. SELECT Country, CYear, Sales.
  4. FROM dbo. SalesGeoYear.
  5. )
  6. SELECT Country, [2010], [2011], [2012], [2013], [2014]
  8. PIVOT (SUM(Sales) FOR CYear — Use of the SQL pivot operator.

What is SQL code?

Structured Query Language
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standardized programming language that’s used to manage relational databases and perform various operations on the data in them.

How do you transform a table in SQL?

Use subqueries to transform data tables by nesting one query within a query. Use set operations to query data from multiple tables. Learn about conditional aggregates, a way to use aggregate functions based on a given set of conditions. Use built-in date, number, and string functions to transform table data.

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How do you write a transpose query in SQL?

Option #4: Dynamic SQL

  2. SET @columns = N”;
  3. SELECT @columns+=N’, p.’ +QUOTENAME([Name])
  4. SELECT [DocName] AS [Name]
  5. FROM [dbo].[ InsuranceClaims] AS p.
  6. GROUP BY [DocName]
  7. ) AS x;
  8. SET @sql = N’

How do you make a pivot in SQL?

Pivot and Unpivot in SQL are two relational operators that are used to convert a table expression into another….Example 2

  1. SELECT Name, 2010,2011,2012 FROM.
  2. (SELECT Name, [Year] , Sales FROM Employee )Tab1.
  3. PIVOT.
  4. (
  5. SUM(Sales) FOR [Year] IN (2010,2011,2012)) AS Tab2.
  6. ORDER BY Tab2.Name.

What is data transform in PEGA?

The purpose of a data transform is to manipulate data in an application. Data transforms copy or manipulate data into the form you require. Data transforms can be used to convert data from one type to another, iterate over page lists, or page groups and copy entire pages at a time.

What does SQL code 100 mean?

no data
If SQLCODE = 100, “no data” was found. For example, a FETCH statement returned no data because the cursor was positioned after the last row of the result table. If SQLCODE > 0 and not = 100, execution was successful with a warning. If SQLCODE < 0, execution was not successful.