
Can you work in a pub at 15 UK?

Can you work in a pub at 15 UK?

Age restrictions Generally, due to licensing restrictions children under 16 tend to work in kitchens, not front of house. The Licensing Act 2003 does not allow a person under 18 to sell alcohol unless it is specifically approved by an adult.

Can a 15 year old serve alcohol in UK?

Working in a restaurant or bar under 18 You can serve alcohol in a restaurant if you’re 16 or 17 as long as the licence holder or bar manager has approved the sale. You may be restricted to selling alcohol in sealed containers (such as cans or bottles) in some areas.

Can under 16s work in a pub?

Children under 16 can go anywhere in a pub as long as they are supervised by an adult, but cannot have any alcoholic drinks.

Where can 15 year olds work UK?

What sort of work can 15-year-olds do?

  • Babysitter. National Average Salary: £11.70 per hour.
  • Dog walker. National Average Salary: £9.19 per hour.
  • Pet sitter. National Average Salary: £23,510 per year.
  • Café server. National Average Salary: £9.24 per hour.
  • Kitchen assistant.
  • Kitchen porter.
  • Shop assistant.
  • Cashier.
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Can I work as a waiter at 15?

Federal law sets the minimum age to work most jobs, including as a waitress, as 14. Once a child reaches the age of 16, no federal restrictions limit the amount of hours per week or times at which a waitress may be scheduled.

What can you do at 15 UK?

At 15 you can: See a ’15’ rated film on your own and rent or buy a ’15’ rated film. If you are under 16 and have a child it is your decision whether or not to give the child up for adoption. Only your consent is required. Work up to eight hours per day, and 35 hours per week during holidays.

Are under 18s allowed in pubs?

Unless you’re going to some swanky bar that deliberately tries to restrict its clientele to certain age groups (e.g. you sometimes get ‘over 25s only’ bars) 18 is the only age that matters. At that age you can go into any pub and have an alcoholic drink with or without food.

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Can you be 15 to work at McDonalds?

Does McDonalds Hire at 15? – Yes. Despite federal laws on minors working in food service, McDonalds allows 15-year-olds to work in customer service positions.

Can a 15 year old work at Tesco?

How old do you need to be to join Tesco? We will recruit colleagues from the age of 16 who have passed the school-leaver age for your region, subject to restrictions for specific roles. There is no upper age limit. For office roles please contact your recruiter or the hiring manager who arranged your interview.