
Could prime Obi Wan beat Darth Vader?

Could prime Obi Wan beat Darth Vader?

Vader in his prime was compared to Anakin in ROTS. Who was superior to Obi Wan as a fighter. Obi Wan only managed to defeat a conflicted, weakened Anakin, after being pushed back the whole fight by said weakened version, by outsmarting him and finding a terrain to suit him.

Who is stronger Darth Vader or Obi-Wan Kenobi?

After an extenuating fight, Kenobi strikes Vader down, defeating him. Obi-Wan knew that he had reached and declined from his peak. So while on the Death Star versus Darth Vader, Obi-Wan realized that Vader’s strength and skill was now greater than his own. That Vader would defeat him.

Could Darth Vader beat Obi Wan?

Yes, absolutely. Yes, absolutely. Vader’s so-called superiority: If Vader was so immensely superior, he would’ve stomped Obi Wan outright and killed him in a second like he did other Jedi.

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Was Vader afraid of Obi Wan?

Darth Vader actively sought out Obi Wan to kill him and avenge himself. So no, he wasn’t afraid that Obi Wan would come back, he was looking forward to it.

Who could have defeated Vader?

Star Wars: 10 Legends Characters Who Could Defeat Darth Vader

  1. 1 Killing Sith Became Just One Of Jaina Solo’s Many Specialties.
  2. 2 Darth Bane Is An OG Sith.
  3. 3 Darth Caedus Had Force Powers Vader Couldn’t Match.
  4. 4 Corran Horn’s Ability To Channel Force Energy Gives Him An Advantage.

How strong was Vader in his prime?

As Darth Vader, Skywalker was believed to have had roughly eight-tenths of the strength of the Emperor. Nevertheless, Vader wielded tremendous power and skill, enough to use the Force to overpower almost any opponent he could not defeat with his lightsaber.

Did Darth Vader look for Obi-Wan?

In the old Legends continuity, Darth Vader set out to hunt down Obi-Wan right after the events of the Prequel Trilogy but failed to locate the Jedi Master, who did have a run in with Boba Fett later on in his exile.