
Could the Romans have invented gunpowder?

Could the Romans have invented gunpowder?

In the intervening centuries, the Romans advanced to the extent of inventing gunpowder – hence the title of the book – putting their armies on about 17th Century level. Romans consider the Lietuvans as “barbarians”, though in fact the two have much the same level of technology and culture.

What if gunpowder was invented earlier?

Today, chemical weapons would have had a huge impact on the wars we wage. If gunpowder was not invented, Mongol victories would have become more rampant, and the Mongols might have expanded much more than it did before it fell. Another event that would have been quite different was the Revolutionary war.

Who weaponized gunpowder?

Gunpowder is one of the Four Great Inventions of China. Originally developed by the Taoists for medicinal purposes, it was first used for warfare around 904 AD. It spread throughout most parts of Eurasia by the end of the 13th century.

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What made the Roman army so successful?

This training combined with having the most advanced equipment at the time made the Roman army really powerful. The Roman army had many weapons and tactics that other armies hadn’t even heard of before! They would use huge catapults which were able to fling rocks over distances of several hundred meters.

What were the Roman weapons used for?

The Roman soldiers used a variety of weapons including a pugio (dagger), gladius (sword, see picture to the right), hasta (spear), javelin, and bows and arrows. The soldiers were trained to fight with their weapons and practiced on a regular basis. They would sometimes spar with each other using wooden swords.

Which gunpowder empire was the most successful?

This conquest paved the way for the Mughal Empire which ended up being the wealthiest, largest, and most successful empire out of the three gunpowder empires. While The Mughal empire was technically Sunni Muslim, there was a large Hindi population in the empire.