
Do female doctors get paid less than male doctors?

Do female doctors get paid less than male doctors?

Overall, female physicians’ compensation is 32\% less than their male counterparts’ compensation, according to Medscape’s Female Physician Compensation Report released Friday.

Is there a pay gap in doctors?

A persistent 25\% pay gap between female and male physicians adds up to $2 million over a medical career, a new analysis calculates, after accounting for specialty, hours, location, and years of experience.

What is the pay gap in medicine?

The total non-adjusted gender pay gap is 24.4\% for hospital doctors, 33.5\% for GPs and 21.4\% for clinical academics. These figures are higher than those above because a significant amount of the gender pay gap can be explained through women, on average, working fewer contracted hours.

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Why is there a wage gap in doctors?

The gender pay gap in medicine is not explained by women working fewer hours or less efficiently but, rather, relates to systemic bias in medical school, hiring, promotion, clinical care arrangements, the fee schedule itself and societal structures more broadly.

Are female surgeons paid less?

A recently published analysis of salary differences at 24 US public medical schools found that the annual salaries of female physicians were $19,879 (8\%) lower than the salaries of male physicians. This difference varied across specialties and institutions and persisted through all faculty ranks.

Is there a gender pay gap in NHS?

NHS Resolution’s mean gender pay gap has marginally increased from 7\% in 2019 to 7.8\% in 2020. However, the organisation continues to have a gender gap, which could be attributed to the increase in the percentage of female employees in the lower middle pay quartile, which also increased by 4\% in 2020.

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Why do female doctors get paid less?

Female primary care physicians spent about 15\% more time with patients in each visit compared to male primary care physicians. As a result, they saw fewer patients over the course of a year. This could account for why female physicians are paid less than men, Neprash argues: They actually spend more time with patients.

Do male surgeons make more than female surgeons?

In a national longitudinal study over 17 years, women continued to earn on average $20,000 less than men. Again, after adjusting for variables that could impact salary, the mean difference between male and female salaries was $16,982 and remained significant.

How much do female neurosurgeons make?

Neurosurgery is the highest-compensated specialty with an average annual pay of $620,000. The pay gap in this field was among the smallest at 15\%. But that still translates to female neurosurgeons making $92,917 a year less, on average, the report found.

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How much does the average female surgeon make?

By 2019, that gulf had widened to 25\% — meaning the average male doctor made $258,000 per year, while the average female physician earned $207,000. The pay gap among specialists was larger to begin with, but it narrowed slightly, from 36\% in 2018 to 33\% in 2019.