
Do hot cakes really sell?

Do hot cakes really sell?

The phrase “selling like hotcakes” is used to describe an item very popular with consumers, that’s flying off the shelves and in large amounts. But why is hotcakes the go-to popular good? Well, it was never really meant to.

Are selling like hot cakes?

to be bought quickly and in large numbers: The new game is apparently selling like hot cakes.

What does selling like hot cakes mean?

Definition of ‘to sell like hot cakes’ If things are selling like hot cakes, a lot of people are buying them. [informal] This year’s festival tickets are selling like hot cakes.

What is the difference between pancakes and hotcakes?

Generally, pancakes are wide and have a fluffy texture, whereas the term hotcakes usually refer to a thicker, denser cake with a narrower diameter than pancakes, which doesn’t rip as easily when picked up.

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Where did phrase selling like hotcakes come from?

According to the American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms, a Wikipedia redirect and this archived New York Times recipe, a hot cake is essentially just a pancake. The phrase originated in the 1800s when simple cornmeal versions were sold at church bake sales and snapped up by the congregation before they went cold.

What does hotcakes mean in slang?

sell / go like hot cakes, to be disposed of very quickly and effortlessly, especially in quantity: His record sold like hot cakes on the first day after its release.

What does it mean when someone calls you hot cakes?

Hotcakes is sometimes used as a term of endearment for a woman, like calling her honey. When used when you are angry at her, it takes on an ironic tone.

Where does selling like hot cakes come from?

What is pushing the envelope?

To push the envelope means to surpass normal limits or attempt something viewed as radical or risky. It comes from the aeronautical use of envelope referring to performance limits that cannot be exceeded safely.

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How does McDonald’s make their hotcakes?

Clocking in at more than 211,000 likes and nearly 2000 comments, the 13-second clip shows a staff worker pouring pancake mix onto a hotplate, followed by a pressing machine which then transforms it into three perfectly cooked hot cakes.

What does it mean when someone says I put my foot up in these pancakes?

In African American culture, this is a high compliment to the cook! Like when someone says that something bad is good. If you “put your foot in the food” or “cooking with your feet,” you’re putting your whole self into the food you’ve prepared!