
Do I have to pay road tax in Europe?

Do I have to pay road tax in Europe?

Exemptions from car registration taxes. In most EU countries, students, cross-border workers and secondary residents don’t have to pay car registration taxes. They may need, however, to pay road taxes.

Can I drive my UK car in Europe?

Yes, you can currently use your UK driving licence to drive in all EU countries. To drive in France, you will also need proof of insurance, proof of ownership of your car (V5C) and your passport.

Do I need road tax in France?

Unlike the UK, there is no annual road tax to pay in France, but you will have to pay when you change ownership and the cost can be quite substantial. And it also varies from region to region, as part of the total cost is a regional tax.

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Can I drive in Europe without MOT?

You may have to show it if you’re stopped at a port or while driving abroad. Your V5C must show your most recent address in the UK. Apply in advance if you need to get a V5C or update your V5C before you travel. UK law still applies to a UK-registered vehicle if you take it abroad for less than 12 months.

Is there road tax in Germany?

Motor vehicle tax (Kfz-Steuer) Since July 1, 2009, all vehicles in Germany have been liable to pay a motor vehicle tax, based on engine size and carbon dioxide emissions. The income from this federal tax finances, among other things, road construction.

Will UK driving Licence be valid in EU after Brexit?

UK photocard driving licences will continue to be valid while driving in the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

How long can you keep a UK registered car in France?

six months
Here’s a look at what you need to know. You are required to register your UK car in France if you intend to live here for more than six months – in any 12-month period. Non-residents can keep their UK license plates for up to six months while French residents have just one month to get them changed.

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How much does it cost to import a car from UK to France?

For new vehicles bought in the UK and imported into France, expect to pay customs duties of 10\% and 20\% VAT. Note that the VAT on a new purchase intended for export will be paid in the country of registration (France) not in the UK (so you won’t be paying the VAT twice!).