
Do pet cemeteries exist?

Do pet cemeteries exist?

There are over one hundred pet cemeteries in the United States, all dedicated to honoring our beloved and furry, feathered and scaly friends. They vary in kind – some allow all types of animals, others are limited to dogs and cats, and some welcome both animals and humans.

Is it illegal to bury your pet?

It is illegal, however, to bury a pet anywhere except the home where they lived, or at a registered pet cemetery. This means that you cannot bury a pet in a public place such as a local park, or even at a friend’s house if you do not have a garden of your own.

What happens to the bodies of euthanized animals?

Remains. Many pet owners choose to have their pets cremated or buried after the pet is euthanized, and there are pet funeral homes that specialize in animal burial or cremation. Otherwise, the animal facility will often freeze the body and subsequently send it to the local landfill.

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Can I bury my pet in my yard?

The legality of burying a pet in a backyard depends on the laws of your municipality. Those that allow it typically require that the burial site be between 2 to 4 feet deep and be 30m to 150m away from a water source. Dead animal must be buried in a farm burial pit. Covering of at least 1 metre of compacted soil.

Do you really get your dog’s ashes back?

Because there are several animals, it’s not possible to get your pet’s ashes back. You may ask for your pet’s ashes, but it’s possible you’ll get some remains from other animals mixed in with your pet’s ashes. Private: In a private ceremony, your pet is cremated alone, and you are able to get the ashes afterward.

Can u bury your dog in your backyard?

It’s illegal in California to bury your pet in your backyard, but you can scatter cremated remains in your yard. If your pet has a microchip, the company issuing the chip also should be notified.

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Do pets have coffins?

Pet caskets are a beautiful way to lay your animal friend to rest. We offer both biodegradable pet caskets and impenetrable pet caskets so that you can choose the best for your pet’s burial in the backyard or a cemetery. All of our pet caskets are available for overnight delivery.