
Do Pokemon trainers eat meat?

Do Pokémon trainers eat meat?

Yes they do. Just like in real world we eat some animal and we keep some as pets. Edible pokemons : Basculin, Slowpoke. Meat is often shown in the anime, but while it has never been directly shown to come from Pokémon, no other food source has yet been explained.

What is Bulbasaur supposed to be?

Number one on the list of all Pokémon discovered so far, Bulbasaur is a combination of plant and animal. It appears to be some sort of frog with a budding leaf attached to its back. As it evolves, the creature becomes more fearsome and the plant blooms into an enormous flower in its final form.

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What does a Bulbasaur look like?

In the Pokémon franchise, Bulbasaur are small, squat amphibian and plant Pokémon that move on all four legs, and have light blue-green bodies with darker blue-green spots. As a Bulbasaur undergoes evolution into Ivysaur and then later into Venusaur, the bulb on its back blossoms into a large flower.

Did Pikachu have a black tail?

This is actually a misconception, Pikachu has never had a black tip on his tail. Some people remember this, however, the electric type has never actually had this design, and could be the Mandela Effect in play. As a matter of fact, Pikachu does have a black tip on the end of his tail.

What is the most edible Pokémon?

15 Confirmed Pokemon That Humans Eat

  • 8 Farfetch’d.
  • 7 Cherubi.
  • 6 Sharpedo.
  • 5 Crabrawler.
  • 4 Basculin.
  • 3 Seadra.
  • 2 Clauncher.
  • 1 Crawdaunt.

Is Ash’s Bulbasaur a boy or girl?

In the English dub of Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village, it was implied by Ash that Bulbasaur is male. When Melanie asked Ash if Bulbasaur would make a good addition to his team, Ash said “Would he ever,” implying that it is male.

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What does an Ivysaur look like?

Ivysaur is a quadrupedal Pokémon that has blue-green skin with darker patches. On top of its head are pointed ears with black insides and it has narrow red eyes. Exposure to sunlight adds to the strength of both Ivysaur and its plant.

Does Pikachu ever get in his Pokeball?

Yes, Pikachu went into pokeball once for a brief period in the episode of “snow way out”, where he had to put pikachu inside because it was too cold and they were trapped inside a cave with heavy snowing outside.