
Do soldiers get to choose their weapons?

Do soldiers get to choose their weapons?

Soldiers operate weapon systems. They are not allowed to pick and customise the weapon systems that make them feel good about being soldiers. They carry the weapon system that their unit wants to have in place and ready to be operated. The soldier is there to serve their weapon, not vice versa.

What is the army’s best weapon?

These 5 Weapons Make America’s Army The Best In The World

  • Key point: Decades of fighting have created a resilient and first-rate force.
  • AH-64 Apache:
  • M-1 Abrams:
  • M-109A6 Paladin:
  • TOW Anti-Tank Missile:
  • M-2 . 50-Caliber Machine Gun:

Is drinking in military uniforms illegal?

Alcohol Limit (AR 600-85) You cannot wear a uniform in an establishment where your activities are centered around drinking. Being intoxicated in uniform is definitely against Army regs. This mostly gets interpreted as a “two-drink limit” by commanders to close that loophole. And that’s exactly what happens.

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How are weapons assigned to you in the military?

Your weapon is assigned to you based on your units needs. In the Army or Marines, you’ll very likely be assigned an M4, as it’s the “default”, if you will. One soldier in your squad will have a true automatic rifle like the M249.

Do soldiers in the military have their own weapons?

Only in a handful of Special Operations units. Everyone else is issued a weapon based on your commands weapons issue, and who can handle these weapons. Each unit, based on their mission, is issued rifles, handguns, LMGs, GPMGs and HMGs.

How are weapons accounted for in the Armory?

Every single item in your unit’s armory is accounted for by serial number and hand signature. If you don’t need it, it’s under lock and key. It gets assigned out to you based on the MTOE — basically a document that says who is in what position in the unit, and is assigned to what weapon system.

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What kind of modifications can you make to a military rifle?

In some units, absolutely no modifications at all would be allowed. On the other hand, I know a guy who replaced virtually every component on his rifle with personally owned gear. Stock, upper receiver, everything but the actual lower and the full auto bits.