
Do we get calculator in Bank PO exam?

Do we get calculator in Bank PO exam?

No. Strictly not permitted. You are not allowed to use any type of electrical gadget while appearing for SBI PO Recruitment Examination. If there is a need of calculator it will be provided embedded in the examination module as in the case of other online examinations.

Can we use calculator in SBI clerk?

SBI Clerk exam questions will be of objective types. Is the calculator allowed to the exam center? No, candidates are not allowed to bring any electronic gadget to the examination.

Is IBPS PO tougher than IBPS Clerk?

Difference Between IBPS PO And IBPS Clerk Exams Apart from the difficulty of questions, there is a difference between the quantitative aptitude section in the PO exam and numerical ability section in the Clerk exam. This means, taking the IBPS PO main exam in two hours will be tougher compared to IBPS Clerk exam.

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Which is better IBPS PO or clerk?

The primary difference between bank PO and bank clerk is the hierarchy of position, salary, and job role. The PO is a more superior position compared to a clerk and is responsible as the supervisor of the clerical position.

Are we allowed to use calculator in IBPS PO?

No, The Use Of Calculator Is Strictly Not Allowed in Bank examination Or All other competitive Examinations. because the examination are Totally objective Type, So you cant Use calculator, You have to just apply your Mind and solve the Questions.

Is calculator allowed in IBPS so exam?

Use of Books, Notes & Calculators : No calculator (separate or with watch), books, slide ruler, note-books or written notes will be allowed inside the examination hall. Two pencils are advised to avoid mending a pencil during the examination as you may lose time.

Can we use calculator in IBPS Clerk Exam?

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What is the in hand salary of IBPS PO?

The initial in-hand salary package offered to an IBPS Probationary Officer is Rs. 52,000 to 55,000 with dearness allowances, special allowances, HRA, and other perks. The IBPS PO Gross Salary is around Rs. 57,000 and after a deduction, the net in hand salary remains around Rs. 52,000 to 55,000.