
Do you have to be academically smart to be smart?

Do you have to be academically smart to be smart?

Book smart is merely an intelligent and well-educated person who performs well academically. All people can be academically intelligent in school, college, or university but this does not mean that a person with a degree will possess common sense.

What does it mean to be academically intelligent?

sorts- “academic intelligence.” We use that term to refer broadly to a student’s. actual level of academic preparation, i.e., a student’s readiness or ability to. engage productively with an academic environment and to benefit from that. interaction.

Is there a difference between educated and intelligent?

Education vs Intelligence The difference between Education and Intelligence is that education is something that is taught and developed with time in an individual, whereas intelligence is an internal force with which an individual is born.

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Whats the opposite of academically smart?

What is the opposite of academic?

stupid airheaded
lowbrow ignorant
philistine unintellectual
unlearned anti-intellectual
foolish idiotic

What’s another word for academically?

What is another word for academically?

intellectually studiously
literarily seriously
eagerly pedantically
scholastically cleverly
educationally assiduously

Can you be educated but not smart?

The problem is, sometimes, smart people can earn label-driven education, but their only skill is the capacity to pass examination written by people like them. In other words, they’re educated but not intelligent enough to find sand on a sandy beach.

Is intelligence the same as smart?

The main difference between smart and intelligent lies in the origin of the two. Smart Is an acquired or obtained trait whereas, intelligence is a trait with which people are naturally born. Smartness is about using the obtained knowledge and applying it to practical situations.

How can I be smart academically?

Here’s how to get smarter:

  1. Do Different Things That Make You Smarter. The point of this list involves diversifying your day.
  2. Manage Your Time Wisely.
  3. Read a Little Every Day.
  4. Review Learned Information.
  5. Study a Second Language.
  6. Play Brain Games.
  7. Get Regular Exercise.
  8. Learn to Play a Musical Instrument.