
Do you need a meta description for every page?

Do you need a meta description for every page?

Although Google recommends that you “Make sure that every page on your site has a meta description,” they also state that their use of the tag in creating search result pages is light at best.

Where do you include meta info about the web page?

The meta description is displayed below the page title in search results, and is there to provide more descriptive information about the content on the website page.

What is the difference between meta title and meta description?

The meta description While the title tag is very limited, a meta description gives you a bit more space to tell users what you’re offering, and it’s an opportunity to give them a compelling reason to click through to your page.

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Do I need meta description?

“Meta description tags, while not important to search engine rankings, are extremely important in gaining user click-through from search engine result pages (SERPs). SEOmoz uses meta descriptions on their homepage and product pages, but not their blog posts.

What is a meta description on a website?

A meta description is the small blurb that appears underneath your website on the SERP that includes information about your page. It is designed to provide users with a brief summary of the content on your page so that users know if the page will answer their question.

What is meta information in a web page?

Definition and Usage Metadata is data (information) about data. tags always go inside the element, and are typically used to specify character set, page description, keywords, author of the document, and viewport settings. Metadata will not be displayed on the page, but is machine parsable.

Should title and meta title be the same?

Every article gets two titles—the meta title and the on-page title (H1). These two titles can be exactly the same. But, if you’re struggling to balance SEO and creativity, you can make them subtly different.

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What is meta title used for?

A meta title, also known as a title tag, refers to the text that is displayed on search engine result pages and browser tabs to indicate the topic of a webpage.