
Do you salute a civilian?

Do you salute a civilian?

You don’t have to salute indoors, except when you report to a superior officer. If either person is wearing civilian clothes and you do not recognize the other person as a superior officer, salutes are unnecessary.

Do officers salute civilians?

Nope. You’re entitled to civility, but not the specific compliment of a salute. Service personnel might choose to salute a particular civilian – veterans at a memorial ceremony, for instance – but it’s by choice not requirement, it’s rare, and intended as a particular mark of respect.

Do you salute during the national anthem in civilian clothes?

During the sounding of “Retreat” you stand at parade rest, then, if in uniform, come to attention and salute during the playing of the National Anthem or “To the Colors.” If in civilian clothes, come to attention, remove your hat (if you’re wearing one), and place your right hand over your heart when the National …

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Can a civilian have a gun salute?

Gun salutes in general are rendered for other military and civilian leaders, but the number of guns in these salutes will be in odd numbers and will vary depending on rank, plus traditional customs and courtesies.

Do civilians salute military personnel?

In the United States, a civilian does not render the hand salute used by uniformed military personnel. The President of the United States is the Commander-in-Chief of the US military, and not a civilian.

Can civilians salute fallen soldiers?

As a civilian, feel free to salute troops. Some military personnel consider it a bit disrespectful when civilians do, kind of like downplaying the meaning of the gesture, others just laugh it off. As for saluting the President – if the servicemember is in uniform, yes, it is required.

Do civilians salute the flag?

Can Civilians Salute the Flag? Civilians should not salute the American Flag with a military salute. The military salute is considered a privilege earned by those who have served in the Armed Forces and is reserved for official protocols. Civilians should follow specific etiquette during the National Anthem.