
Does a 357 SIG have more recoil than a 9mm?

Does a 357 SIG have more recoil than a 9mm?

Roberts mentioned, it’s got far more recoil than a 9mm along with a lot of muzzle blast and muzzle flash. It takes more effort and practice to shoot this caliber well. 357 Sig practice ammo is about twice the cost of 9mm and around 50\% more than .

Does 40 S&W have more recoil than 9mm?

It’s a heavier round. So, . 40 S&W has more felt recoil, no matter what. However, high pressure rounds tend to produce a snappier recoil impulse, which can be uncomfortable for some shooters.

Does 357 SIG or 40 recoil?

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357 SIG ammo to produce either more or less recoil than some . 40S&W ammo, depending upon bullet weight and powder charge. Both should be expected to produce significantly greater recoil than 9mm Luger given the same handgun weight and action.

Can a 40 cal shoot 357 sig?

357 SIG caliber cartridge WILL feed just fine in a . 40 Auto pistol; it will chamber and fire as well. The SAAMI standard pressure for . 357 SIG is 40,000 PSI Piezo, for the .

Which is better 40 Cal or 357 sig?

357 Sig is a flatter shooting cartridge than the . 40 S&W. 357 Sig has more accuracy at longer ranges. It also retains energy at those longer ranges so it hits harder at 100 yards than the 9mm does at the muzzle.

What is the best 40 cal pistol?

Bang!: These . 40 Caliber Pistols Are Among the World’s Best

  • Key point: The .
  • Beretta Px4 Storm and Px4 Storm Compact.
  • Glock 22 and 23.
  • Heckler & Koch USP and USP Compact.
  • SIG Sauer P226/P229.
  • Smith & Wesson M&P and M&P 2.0.
  • Walther P99 and PPQ.
  • Conclusion.
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Which is better 357 SIG or 40 Caliber?

How much recoil does a 357 SIG Sauer have?

A.357 Sig pistol that weighs about 2 lbs, firing the classic 125-grain load, will generate something like 9 ft-lbs of recoil, roughly double that of 9mm though slightly less than the recoil of a.40 S&W pistol of that same size and weight firing the classic 165-grain and 180-grain loadings.

What is the difference between a 9mm and 357 SIG?

Essentially, the .357 SIG is a round that uses the same sized bullet as a 9mm round but in a cartridge casing that is similar to a .40 caliber case. The .357 SIG also features a bottlenecked design, which is easier to load into the barrel chamber of your pistol and has the added perk of traveling at an increased velocity.

Is it possible to convert a 40 S&W to 357 SIG?

Because the 40 S&W and the 357 SIG share the same parent casing, it’s perfectly possible to convert a pistol chambered for one into a pistol chambered for the other. That means you could train with more economical 40 S&W, only to swap out your barrel so that you may carry 357 SIG. Whether that’s worth the effort is a matter of opinion.

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What is the CIP of a 357 SIG?

The .357 Sig round operates at a max pressure of 40,000 psi (SAAMI) or 44,240 psi (C.I.P). That’s about 5,000 psi hotter than 9mm and .40 S&W. Due to this higher operating pressure, this caliber can sometimes cause quick wear and tear to the components of the handgun.