
Does Capterra still pay for reviews?

Does Capterra still pay for reviews?

You can make up to $150 with Capterra paid reviews for writing about your experiences with products you are using or have used. To give you an insight of products you can review for cash, I’ve listed 10 out of the many software/product/tools you can write about below; WordPress. Microsoft Word.

Is Capterra a reliable source?

“Reliable website and easy to use” Capterra makes it easy to find out what people think of different software on the market.

Are Capterra reviews reliable?

At the end of the day, Capterra is an unreliable business. The team shows no evidence that they care about getting users to highly acclaimed software. It is purely a product designed to maximize profits.

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How does Capterra ppc work?

Capterra’s PPC Advertising Program is similar to Google AdWords, but with two key differences: You don’t bid on keywords. Instead, you can choose to bid on the 300+ categories of software that Capterra helps businesses find.

How long does it take for reviews to show up on capterra?

How long will it take for my review to be published? Every review submitted to our site is manually evaluated by our Quality Assurance team to ensure published reviews meet our site guidelines. While the QA teams work diligently, it can take up to two (2) weeks to process reviews.

What does capterra cost?

Capterra is free for users because vendors pay us when they receive web traffic and sales opportunities. Capterra lists all vendors—not just those that pay us—so that you can make the best-informed purchase decision possible. We provide every vendor the opportunity to showcase their products and collect user reviews.

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How much does capterra cost for vendors?

Vendor Management Pricing Overview Vendor Management pricing starts at $100.00 per user, per month. They do not have a free version. Vendor Management offers a free trial.

What is capterra advertising?

Capterra is a software review network that helps businesses to find the right solutions. To rank higher and drive traffic to your site, Capterra offers pay-per-click (PPC) service. You can list your B2B, SaaS product, or software for free, but you won’t have the featured top positions and a link back to your site.