
Does Carlos meet Leon?

Does Carlos meet Leon?

At this point in the story, Carlos encounters none other than Marvin Branagh. For those that are a bit hazy on the details, Marvin is the Lieutenant that players encounter when playing as Leon. When Leon meets the Lieutenant, Marvin had already been bitten by the zombies.

Does Claire and Leon’s story happen at the same time?

Claire and Leon have pretty different experiences in Raccoon City, but they ultimately experience a similar story. It’s the same zombie apocalypse in the same town — they even bump into one another periodically — but the story beats aren’t the same. Claire’s is more a story of family and protection.

How old is Claire Redfield in re2?

19 year old
A 19 year old college student and motorcyclist, she is the younger sister of S.T.A.R.S. member Chris Redfield, another major character in the series. She is one of the main protagonists in Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil Code Veronica X and Resident Evil: Revelations 2.

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Why did Nemesis Chase Jill?

And speaking of Nemesis, as previously stated, Jill had also been kicking up a shitstorm. Umbrella was getting anxious, due to the tenacity of Jill and the others. So they dispatched Nemesis to kill any S.T.A.R.S. member it encounters.

Does Leon Kennedy appear in RE3?

While not playable in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Leon makes an appearance during the epilogue. He’s approached by a member of the US government about joining their ranks. Although the game doesn’t reveal his answer, he’s a full-fledged FBI agent by the time Resident Evil 4 rolls around.

Should I Leon or Claire first?

The good news is the both campaigns play out fairly similarly. The story won’t suffer from you picking either one first, so you can leave the choice largely down to character preference. That said, if you’re a newcomer to Resident Evil and want to make things easier on yourself, we recommend starting with Leon.

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Who married Claire Redfield?

Does Leon marry Claire?

Leon S. Kennedy
Relationship: Married
Spouse(s): Claire Redfield
Status: Alive
Weapons: Heckler & Koch VP70 Beretta 92F Custom ‘Samurai Edge’ AKMSU