
Does changing alloy wheels void warranty?

Does changing alloy wheels void warranty?

yes, it will void the warranty. just changing the alloys on stock tyres or upsizing the tyres on stock wheels will also void warranty.

Do aftermarket rims and tires void warranty?

Although many dealers would have you think otherwise, simply having an aftermarket part or modifying your vehicle cannot void your warranty. The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act states that a dealer must prove that aftermarket equipment caused the need for repairs before it can deny warranty coverage.

Does changing rim size affect warranty?

Anything done by an authorized dealership or professional done to your vehicle will not alter warranty. Tires, rims, lift kits, autostarts, oil changes etc… Your salesman, dealership should be happy to do it, its extra money for them.

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Does changing tire size void warranty?

Legally they cannot void the warranty outright and cannot deny claims on anything that could not have been caused by additional stress from oversized tires (if you A/C fails they can’t blame it on the tires).

Will installing coilovers void warranty?

First of all, a dealership cannot legally “void” your car’s warranty for no good reason. So, if you install coilovers on your car for a lower ride height and better handling, a dealership can’t say that the coilovers caused your engine to blow.

Will wide wheels void warranty?

They cannot void the entire warranty. They can void certain components if they can show that the aftermarket part caused undue stress and wear there.

Does wheel void warranty?

Registered. You’ll be fine at most dealerships. Some dealers will give you a hassle if you’re running tires that are larger than OEM spec, but you could just walk out and go to another dealer if that happens. Wheels however don’t void any warranty.

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What voids manufacturer warranty?

Taking your car somewhere other than the dealership or using aftermarket parts won’t void the manufacturer’s warranty, but there are some activities that can void your warranty, including: Off-Road Driving. Racing or Reckless Driving. Some Aftermarket Parts or Modifications (see above)

Will an intake void my warranty?

Will a Cold air Intake Void my factory warranty? No. In the United States, for the manufacturer of a warranted product (in this case, a vehicle) to void or deny warranty coverage of a repair due to the use of an aftermarket part (a Cold Air Inductions, Inc.