
Does Fujitora have advanced observation Haki?

Does Fujitora have advanced observation Haki?

Fujitora uses that same aspect of Observation haki,but to a greater,more advanced degree,which seems to be related to people’s feelings. Luffy uses this advanced version if presence haki in his fight against Katakuri in the manga,and it is mistaken for ability to see the future by Katakuri.

Does usopp have Observation Haki?

Usopp has Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki). He awakened it during the Dressrosa Arc, when he was able to see Luffy and Law auras from a great distance through the castle walls. He was able to use his Haki to stop Sugar from attacking them and making everyone forget about them and the revolution.

How good is Fujitora observation Haki?

3 Fujitora Since he’s blind, Fujitora’s mastery over Observation Haki is incredible. To climb to the position of an Admiral while being blind is an incredible feat. Either way, he is an excellent Observation Haki user, and he undoubtedly deserves to be on this list.

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Is Katakuri the strongest observation Haki user?

1 Charlotte Katakuri Over the years, Katakuri has trained his Observation Haki so much that he is able to look into the future itself. Without a doubt, his Observation Haki was still a step ahead of Luffy’s and is the strongest in the series right now.

Is Fujitora’s Observation Haki good?

Since he’s blind, Fujitora’s mastery over Observation Haki is incredible. To climb to the position of an Admiral while being blind is an incredible feat. He has enough skill in this type of Haki to sense the emotions and even the aura of other people.

Why is fufujitora blind?

Fujitora’s blindness isn’t a result of some fight that he was in. Rather, it is something that he inflicted upon himself after seeing various atrocities in the world.

Why is Fujitora so powerful?

Being an Admiral, Fujitora is exceptionally powerful and was described as a monster by one of the Shichibukai, Donquixote Doflamingo. Fujitora is one of the most important people in the One Piece world, especially due to his keen sense of justice.

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What if Fujitora cut the Birdcage and let everyone out?

Fujitora was technically “obligated” to not touch Doflamingo. If Fujitora cut the birdcage and let everyone out, the people can just spread the word that an out-of-control evil Shichibukai can just simply be defeated by a marine admiral.