
Does line Webtoon own your comic?

Does line Webtoon own your comic?

When you post on WEBTOON CANVAS, you will always keep ownership over your work. You will own all of your intellectual property, and you can continue to promote your work on social media or other publishing platforms, while utilizing the tools we offer on CANVAS.

How do you come up with a Webtoon title?

There are several things to consider when choosing a title for a webcomic.

  1. Summarization. The nature of a title, much like the cover of a book, is to give the audience some idea about what to expect.
  2. Avoid Copycat Names.
  3. Use Mnemonic Devices.
  4. Search Engine Optimization.
  5. Pre-Marketing a Title.

What happens if your Webtoon becomes an original?

A Webtoon Original is a comic that has been chosen by the WEBTOON editors to be featured and are sponsored. An Original gets PR and marketing support from WEBTOON, and readers can support the comic creator by using Coins to read episodes ahead of where the general public can read.

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Can you publish fanfiction on Webtoon?

It would be tantamount to fanfiction or Japanese Doujinshi, neither of which is illegal. You just can’t sell it as a general rule but that could be changing.

How do I publish a comic book on webtoon?

Comic creators who would like to self-publish their work on LINE Webtoon must sign up for a WEBTOON account and then go to the Publish page. From there, they can set up their webtoon page by selecting the main and sub-genre of their webcomic, creating a title, writing a series summary, and uploading a series thumbnail.

How much does a Webtoon creator make?

So from those facts alone, that means that an average LINE WEBTOON probably earns roughly $30,000 or a bit more since the platform is in English and can appeal to a much larger audience. The starting average income of a LINE webtoon creator is $24,000.