
Does nitrous oxide make your voice higher?

Does nitrous oxide make your voice higher?

The answer is deceptively simple: Nitrous oxide gas is thick as hell. In fact, it’s 50 percent denser than air. That means sound passes through it at least three times faster than it would through air, which is what makes your voice sound so high-pitched when you suck on a birthday balloon.

Does nitrogen change your voice?

Nitrogen, which makes up the majority of our air, has a mass roughly seven times greater than that of helium. When you inhale helium, you’re changing the type of gas molecules in your vocal tract and increasing the speed of the sound of your voice.

What gas make your voice deeper?

Sulfur Hexafluoride
The Deep Voice Gas – Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) – Steve Spangler Science.

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What gas will lower your voice?

Heavy Gas – Sulfur Hexafluoride. This is a gas that can lower your voice to freaky-weird levels. Chemistry and physics teachers often use a classic science demonstration to show what happens to your voice when sound travels through a gas that’s six times lighter than air.

Does argon make your voice deeper?

It’s an inert gas. If you breathed a mixture of argon and oxygen with enough O2 in it to sustain life you would be fine. Your voice would sound deeper- the opposite of inhaling Helium. However, Argon is more “narcotic” than Nitrogen.

Does argon lower your voice?

The gas doesn’t change the rate of vibration of your vocal cords (more correctly, your vocal fold). That adjustment made, a hit of argon would produce an effect not unlike a bullfrog in a barrel. The gas will sink to the bottom of your lungs and displace oxygen. You could pass out and/or suffocate!

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What gas makes your voice higher?

Inhaling helium makes the higher-pitched tones resonate more in the vocal tract, amplifying them so they are louder in the mix.

Does hydrogen make your voice higher?

The speed of sound is higher in hydrogen than helium, so yes it would make your voice even higher.

What gas makes your voice deeper?