
Does Obi-Wan recognize r2d2 in a new hope?

Does Obi-Wan recognize r2d2 in a new hope?

Obi-Wan Only Says He Never Owned R2 Note that he says nothing about not recognizing R2; his clever dodge gives the impression that they’re strangers, but doesn’t actually deny knowing the little astromech. Thus, there really isn’t a “contradiction” in the first place—Obi-Wan was just being his cunning self.

Did Chewbacca recognize Obi-Wan?

Chewie: In the novel, he seems to recognize Obi-wan. In the films, he never meets Anakin and Obi-wan, just Yoda, and never sees him again.

How come Uncle Owen didn’t recognize C-3PO?

For starters, C-3PO physically resembles just about every other protocol droid. A counter to that might be asking why Owen didn’t recognize C-3PO’s distinct voice, but again, it’s worth remembering Owen hadn’t seen C-3PO in more than 20 years. It’s possible Owen simply forgot what C-3PO’s voice sounded like.

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Why does Obi-Wan not recognize R2D2?

Throughout the years, R2-D2 and C-3PO serve Obi-Wan and many Star Wars characters. Obi-Wan greets R2-D2 and later recalls “not owning a droid.” Obi-Wan purposely withheld information from Luke in order to keep Luke from straying away. This could offer an explanation as to why he appears to not know who R2-D2 is.

Does Yoda recognize R2?

R2D2 doesn’t just recognise Yoda, but he will be able to remember just how he taught his students and his reputation from the Clone Wars. R2 even went on missions with Yoda! So he will know what Yoda’s plan is.

Did they wipe R2D2 memory?

However, R2-D2’s memory is not wiped; as a result, R2-D2 is the only surviving character at the end of the saga who knows the entire story of the Skywalker family. Both R2-D2 and C-3PO end up in the possession of Captain Raymus Antilles (Rohan Nichol) onboard the Tantive IV.

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Where was C3PO before a new hope?

C-3PO was rebuilt from spare parts by Anakin Skywalker, a human slave who lived in Mos Espa, a city on the Outer Rim world of Tatooine. Shortly after the Clone Wars, C-3PO’s memory was erased, though R2-D2’s memory was not.