
Does OBS use a lot of CPU?

Does OBS use a lot of CPU?

Encoding video is a very CPU-intensive operation, and OBS is no exception. However, some people might experience high CPU utilization, and other programs running on your computer might experience degraded performance while OBS is active if your settings are too high for your computer’s hardware.

How do I make OBS use less CPU?

10 Ways to Fix the OBS CPU Usage too High

  1. Downscale your output resolution.
  2. Use your Graphics Card for Encoding.
  3. Lower Frame Rate.
  4. Change your x264 preset.
  5. Check your sources.
  6. Close Extra Applications.
  7. Run all audio sources at the same frequency.
  8. Free Disk Space.

What OBS settings should I use?

Bitrate Rule of Thumb

  • For 720p video at 30 frames per second, we recommend 1,500 to 4,000 kbps.
  • For 720p video at 60 frames per second, we recommend 2,500 to 5,000 kbps.
  • For 1080p video at 30 frames per second, we recommend 3,000 to 6,000 kbps.
  • For 1080p video at 60 frames per second, we recommend 4,500 to 9,000 kbps.
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What rate control should I use for OBS?

If you’re streaming, use CBR as every platform recommends it and it’s a reliable form of Rate Control. If you’re recording and need to be high quality, use CQP if the file size is no issue, or VBR if you want to keep file size more reasonable.

How much RAM do you need for OBS?

4 GB
OBS Studio System Requirements Compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux. AMD FX series or Intel i5 2000-series processor (dual or 4-core preferable) or higher. DirectX 10 capable graphics card. At least 4 GB of RAM (recommended, but not necessary)

How much RAM is recommended for OBS?

Is 4GB RAM enough for streaming?

It doesn’t take much of your memory to stream movies on sites like Netflix. Even a computer system that has only 4GB of RAM can stream movies at 720p and 1080p with no problems. When streaming movies, you should be more concerned about your Internet speed.

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