
Does Odie ever talk in Garfield?

Does Odie ever talk in Garfield?

When he talks on Garfield and Friends, he speaks by moving his mouth, although other dogs do not do so. Odie speaks in a similar manner in Garfield Gets Real and its sequels, frequently saying complete sentences ranging from “I don’t know”, “My bone!” and “Right”.

Is Odie from Garfield alive?

REMEMBER the fictional dog who appears in the comic strip Garfield by Jim Davis? His name is Odie, and he is currently living incarnate in North Richmond.

What happened to Odie from Garfield movie?

Jon Arbuckle buys a second pet, a dog named Odie. However, Odie is then abducted and it is up to Jon’s cat, Garfield, to find and rescue the canine. Jon Arbuckle buys a second pet, a dog named Odie.

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What dog breed is Odie?

Odie is a yellow-furred, brown-eared dog. In the live-action/animated films based on the Garfield franchise, he is depicted as a wire-haired dachshund/terrier mix.

What is Garfield’s full name?

Name. Jim Davis named Garfield after his grandfather, James Garfield Davis.

Can Garfield talk?

However, in the feature film Garfield Gets Real and its sequels, Garfield and the other animals save for Odie are able to talk to, and be understood by, Jon and the other humans.

Why did Lyman leave Garfield?

According to Davis, Lyman’s original purpose was to be someone who Jon could actually talk to and express other ideas — a role gradually taken over by Garfield, himself. Once Lyman was no longer needed for that purpose, he was removed without explanation.

Is Odie a dachshund?

Odie is a yellow-furred, brown-eared dog. In the live-action/animated films based on the Garfield franchise, he is depicted as a wire-haired dachshund/terrier mix. He has a large tongue and slobbers in his appearances. After October 1997, he began walking regularly on two feet, instead of all fours, like Garfield.

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What can Odie the dog say in Garfield?

Odie is the only animal character in the Garfield series without a recurring voice bubble, as he is portrayed as a “normal” house dog. Odie can say, “Yeah”, “Huh?”, “Mmm-hmm”, and “Uh-Uh”. He has occasionally been shown thinking. In The Garfield Show, he says some intelligible sentences, and short phrases.

What can Odie the dog say?

Odie can say, “Yeah”, “Huh?”, “Mmm-hmm”, and “Uh-Uh”. He has occasionally been shown thinking. In The Garfield Show, he says some intelligible sentences, and short phrases. When he talks on Garfield and Friends he speaks by moving his mouth, although other dogs do not do so.

Why did they change the name of Garfield’s dog?

Davis liked the name Odie and decided to use it again. When Garfield was first submitted, Davis named the main dog character “Spot” before finding out that the name was already being used by another character (see Trivia section below).

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Why did Garfield go to such lengths to clear Odie’s name?

So Garfield went to great lengths to clear Odie’s name and get the money back. In another name-clearing instance, when Odie was televised as being part of a purse-snatching dog gang, Garfield refused to believe it because, in his words, “Odie is honest, true blue, and decent.