
Does rum or vodka give you a worse hangover?

Does rum or vodka give you a worse hangover?

And the answer is… yes they do. Dark-hued beverages, such as bourbon, whiskey, red wine and rum, all bring on that hangover that’s very hard to beat.

Is rum or vodka better for hangover?

“Vodka is known to be the best alcoholic beverage for the most minimal hangover. Gin, light rum and white wine are runner-ups—with brandy and whiskey being at the bottom of the list.

Why do I only get hangovers from vodka?

But a study by the British Medical Journal found that vodka is actually the least likely drink to give you a hangover: it’s so pure that it contains virtually no congeners. Mixing vodka with soda or fruit juice is ideal, as sugary soft drinks can contribute to a headache the morning after the night before.

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Why does vodka give me the worst hangover?

But hangovers do range in severity depending on the type of alcohol, thanks to congeners, which are byproducts of fermentation. Vodka and gin are distilled to remove all of the congeners entirely to yield a neutral flavor, whereas congeners are purposely left in darker spirits to add depth of flavor and dark color.

Why does Rum not give me a hangover?

Bourbon whiskey is exceptionally high in congeners. On the other hand, colorless drinks — like vodka, gin and rum — have low levels of congeners. Summary You can significantly reduce the severity of hangovers by drinking low-congener beverages, such as vodka, gin or rum.

What spirits give you the worst hangover?

Congeners are found in larger amounts in dark liquors, such as brandy, bourbon, darker beer and red wine, than they are in clear liquors, such as vodka, gin and lighter beers. One particular congener — methanol — breaks down into the toxins formaldehyde and formic acid, which can worsen a hangover.

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Does rum give bad hangovers?

One might wonder, will rum give a hangover? Yes, one can experience bad aftermath from drinking it, just as with any alcoholic drink. Depending on the quantity and type ingested, it produces varying symptoms, the duration of which also depends on the quantity and type one consumed.

Why does rum not give me a hangover?

How do you get rid of a rum hangover?

This article looks at 6 easy, evidence-based ways to cure a hangover.

  1. Eat a good breakfast. Eating a hearty breakfast is one of the most well-known remedies for a hangover.
  2. Get plenty of sleep.
  3. Stay hydrated.
  4. Have a drink the next morning.
  5. Try taking some of these supplements.
  6. Avoid drinks with congeners.

Does rum cause worse hangovers?

“Darker alcohols also contain more congeners,” says Tedrow. “Stick to lighter liquors like vodka to lessen hangovers.” A study from the British Medical Journal found that bourbon is the worst for a hangover, followed by whiskey, brandy, and rum.