
Does Santa travel faster than light?

Does Santa travel faster than light?

On Christmas Eve night, Santa Claus and his reindeer fly around the world delivering gifts to millions of children in preparation for Christmas Day. That’s about 0.5\% the speed of light. …

How does Santa make it around the world in one night?

Santa and his elves would have to outfit his sleigh with a Stardust Antimatter Propulsion Engine. This device would allow Santa to deliver toys around the world in one night and be back to the North Pole in time for a Christmas Day feast.

How long would it actually take Santa?

If Santa and his elves used 750 sleighs to deliver the gifts and, using relativity physics, it would take roughly six Santa months (only 24 hours for us humans), each sleigh only needs to travel about 80 mph, a much more realistic scenario.

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At what speed does Santa Claus travel?

Santa has to travel ten million kilometres in those 36 hours. If all he had to do was travel from house-to-house in this time, he would need to move at an average speed of 77 kilometres per second – that’s 3,000 times the speed of sound. Talking about the speed of light – ever heard a sonic boom on Christmas Eve?

How Fast Is Santas sleigh?

650 miles per second
This means that Santa’s sleigh is moving at 650 miles per second, 3,000 times the speed of sound. For purposes of comparison, the fastest man- made vehicle on earth, the Ulysses space probe, moves at a poky 27.4 miles per second – a conventional reindeer can run, tops, 15 miles per hour.

How long would it take Santa to fly around the world?

He would have about 10 hours, from 8pm to 6am, to deliver the presents. Luckily, children happen to be spread across a wide range of time zones, buying Santa an additional 24 hours. Even so, covering this distance in 34 hours is certainly no mean feat.

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How fast does Santa’s sleigh go?

How fast does Santas sleigh have to travel?

Because each household has 2.67 children, there are about 75 million homes to visit and the average distance between homes is about 1.63 miles, Santa needs to cover 122 million miles. To cover that distance in 24 hours on Christmas, Mr. Claus’s sleigh would need to travel at a whopping average speed of 5,083,000 mph.