
Does scrubs have a sad ending?

Does scrubs have a sad ending?

Luckily Scrubs falls into the latter with a beautiful two-part episode. The entirety of “My Finale” is sad as we say goodbye to J.D. and Sacred Heart (until the dreaded season nine) but it is the final few minutes that genuinely hit hard.

Is it worth watching Scrubs?

Scrubs is often regarded as one of the most realistic medical shows to have ever aired. If you’re looking for a show to just stop and start at random, it might not be the best fit. If you like shows with in-depth stories and dozens of fleshed out characters, you’ll probably love it.

Why did the cast of Scrubs leave?

Scrubs’ cancellation wasn’t about ratings. Creator Bill Lawrence had tried to bring the show to an end several times, and by the time the ninth season was being planned, the original cast members were trying to start careers unattached from Scrubs, which is why so many of them left or heavily reduced their screen time.

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Why does Dr Cox touch his nose?

According to McGinley in the Season 1 DVD bonus features, Cox’s habit of often touching his nose is a homage to Paul Newman’s character in The Sting, although Cox also uses it as a sign of irritation on occasion, rather than just a sign signifying “it’s going to be OK”, as it was used in the film.

Why did janitor leave Scrubs?

Janitor was portrayed by Neil Flynn and appeared in 166 episodes of Scrubs as a main character for seven seasons. He first appeared in “My First Day” and was last seen in a flashback in “Our First Day of School”, in which he simply walked out of the hospital after learning that J.D. was never returning to Sacred Heart.

Is Scrubs season 9 any good?

The season nonetheless saw Scrubs receive its lowest-ever ratings, with an average of 3.79 million tuning in, down from 5.61 million the previous season (though the show’s overall ranking had improved)….Scrubs (season 9)

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Country of origin United States
No. of episodes 13
Original network ABC

Is Scrubs season 1 GOOD?

Scrubs is arguably the best series about doctors in television history. The first season got off to a good start but had a few hiccups throughout. There are many reasons why Scrubs is one of the most beloved shows in television history.

Why is Zach Braff not in season 8 of Scrubs?

Cast. A way for ABC to cut costs for the eighth season is for the main cast to be absent in 3 episodes apiece (Zach Braff and Sarah Chalke only miss two episodes).

Did the cast of Scrubs get along?

Like they never left. The Scrubs cast is famously close IRL, as BFFs Zach Braff and Donald Faison have spent birthdays together and even co-host the podcast Fake Doctors, Real Friends. Plus, co-stars Sarah Chalke and John C.