
Does sed work with spaces?

Does sed work with spaces?

@Samuel If you use *, the regex will match zero or more spaces, and you will get a space between every character, and a space at each end of each line. If you don’t have the -E flag, then you want sed “s/[[:space:]]\+/ /g” to match one or more spaces.

How do you remove spaces from a string in a shell?

Use sed ‘s/^ *//g’, to remove the leading white spaces. There is another way to remove whitespaces using `sed` command. The following commands removed the spaces from the variable, $Var by using `sed` command and [[:space:]]. $ echo “$Var are very popular now.”

How do you replace a space in Unix?

The y command in sed replaces all occurrences of the first set of characters (only + here) with the corresponding character in the second set (only space here). The s command replaces the text that matches a regular expression with some text.

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How do you add a space in SED?

There are different ways to insert a new line in a file using sed, such as using the “a” command, the “i” command, or the substitution command, “s“….2. Introduction to the Problem

  1. First, the spaces are in the middle of the line.
  2. Second, the line has trailing spaces.
  3. Third, the line contains leading spaces.

How do I change tabs with spaces in Linux?

On linux:

  1. Replace all tabs with 1 hyphen inplace, in all *.txt files: sed -i $’s/\t/-/g’ *.txt.
  2. Replace all tabs with 1 space inplace, in all *.txt files: sed -i $’s/\t/ /g’ *.txt.
  3. Replace all tabs with 4 spaces inplace, in all *.txt files: sed -i $’s/\t/ /g’ *.txt.

How do I remove space between two words in Linux?

To remove multiple spaces use [ ]+ in sed. [ ]+ means match more than one space. Let do same example by inserting more spacing in words. Note we need to escape special character + with back slash while [ ]+ in sed.

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How do I remove extra spaces in Unix?

Simple solution is by using grep (GNU or BSD) command as below.

  1. Remove blank lines (not including lines with spaces). grep . file.txt.
  2. Remove completely blank lines (including lines with spaces). grep “\S” file.txt.