
Does UBC only look at Grade 11 marks?

Does UBC only look at Grade 11 marks?

UBC considers your grades in all Grade 11 (junior level) and Grade 12 (senior level) classes, paying special attention to courses that relate to the degree you’re applying to. Specifically: We look at your grades in all academic courses.

Can I still get into university with bad Grade 11 marks?

*Universities usually use grade 11 marks to grant students provisional acceptance. If they meet the requirements based on those marks. The matric marks are used to confirm the student’s acceptance and these marks are the final deciding factor.

Do Grade 11 marks matter for early acceptance?

Most universities will use your overall Grade 12 U/M grades in calculating your admission average. In some cases, universities will consider your Grade 11 U/M grades for early offers of admission, where Grade 12 U/M grades are incomplete or not available.

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How much do Grade 11 marks matter in Canada?

In Canadian university admission, grade 11 marks do not matter. You will get into some programs earlier if you have great grade 11 marks, but when it comes down to it as long as you do well in grade 12 you will be okay. Some entrance scholarships use grade 11 and 12 marks (McGill, for one).

What marks do UBC check?

In assessing their overall average, UBC will look at all of an applicant’s Grade 11 and 12 marks — with the exception of their lowest grade. Marks in applied design, skills and technology; physical and health education; as well as career and personal planning classes will also be excluded.

How good do your grades have to be to get into UBC?

Canadian universities: minimum entering grades by faculty

University Minimum entering grade: Arts Minimum entering grade: Commerce
Toronto 75-84\% 83-88\%
UBC 75\% 84\%
Western 83.5\% 87.5\%
Brock 70\% 84\%
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What marks do Canadian universities look at?

For regular admission, an Ontario University will look at your semester 1 final marks and your semester 2 mid-term marks to determine if you will get a conditional offer to a program of your choice. Remember, all offers are conditional that you meet program and graduation requirements.

Do universities look at grade 11 marks Canada?

Usually, Canadian universities looks at your grade 11 marks for early admission, while for regular admission – universities will look at your final marks for first semester final marks and second semester mid-term marks for a conditional offer letter.