
How are the samurai of Japan and the knights of Europe similar?

How are the samurai of Japan and the knights of Europe similar?

Based on document A Knights and samurai were similar because they both owed loyalty and military service and they got land for their families as payment for this service. Such as Both the knight and the samurai pledged loyalty and military service. Secondly samurai’s and knights swore on an oath to their lords.

What were the similarities and differences between European knights and Japanese samurais in the feudal systems?

A key distinguishing factor between the two systems was land ownership. European knights gained land from their lords as payment for their military service; they had direct control of the serfs who worked that land. In contrast, Japanese samurai did not own any land.

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How are Japanese castles different from those in Europe?

The roof design was different. Japanese castles had a very detailed and intricate designed roofs, while European castle roofs were very simple. Japanese castles were 3-5 storeys high, while European castles were around 4 storeys high.

Were there knights in Europe?

In the Early Middle Ages in Europe, knighthood was conferred upon mounted warriors. Often, a knight was a vassal who served as an elite fighter, a bodyguard or a mercenary for a lord, with payment in the form of land holdings. The lords trusted the knights, who were skilled in battle on horseback.

Were Samurai and knights more similar or different?

In conclusion, the Knights and Samurai, are more alike than dfferent. In ways ranging from Armor, to training, and even to codes. The Knights and Samurai both had a very similar hierarchy, both served lords, and in exchange for land, they gave the lords military protection.

What are the similarities between Samurai and knights greater than the differences?

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The samurai and knight’s beliefs has similarities. That similarity is they both include loyalty to their lords or master. The samurai and knight’s beliefs has differences. One difference is the samurai must protect their master first and the knights protect the ladies and children first.

How does European and Japanese feudalism compare?

Unlike European feudalism, Japanese feudalism had no true pyramid form, with a hierarchy of ‘inferior’ nobles being presided over by the monarch. The European system was based on Roman and Germanic law, as well as the Catholic Church, while the Japanese system was based on Chinese Confucian law and Buddhism.

What was a weakness of Japan’s castles?

Small ports in the walls or planks could be used to deploy bows or fire guns from. The main weakness of this style was its general instability. Thatch caught fire even more easily than wood, and weather and soil erosion prevented structures from being particularly large or heavy.