
How can a patent be monetized?

How can a patent be monetized?

A patent could be monetized in the accompanying manners: Licensing of the patent, Enforcing Patents, Pooling the patents, Sale or Brokerage, IP Bank.

What are the ways of direct monetization of IPR?


  • OUTRIGHT SALE: Selling the patent is one of the easiest and quickest ways to monetize the IPR.
  • SALE AND LEASE BACK MODEL: In this model, the IPR owner sells the patent with complete transfer of ownership for a consideration.

What is portfolio monetization?

Essentially, monetizing a patent portfolio includes four key steps: Developing an accurate assessment of the current value of the portfolio. Understanding the trends within the portfolio based on accurate analytical models. Making well-informed decisions to enforce, buy/sell, or abandon your patents.

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What rights does a patent owner have?

Ownership of a patent gives the patent owner the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, selling, or importing into the United States the invention claimed in the patent.

What are patent royalties?

A royalty is an amount paid by a third party to an owner of a product or patent for the use of that product or patent. The royalty rate or the amount of the royalty is typically a percentage based on factors such as the exclusivity of rights, technology, and the available alternatives.

What is the difference between commercialized and monetize?

As verbs the difference between monetize and commercialize is that monetize is to convert something (especially a security) into currency while commercialize is to apply business methodology to something in order to profit.

Can you make money from intellectual property?

Your IP is a valuable asset and can allow your business to grow and be profitable, and you can make money off your IP if you enact certain strategies. Given the value that IP rights can add to your business, it is always important to consider the various options available.

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How do you manage a patent portfolio?

Portfolio Management Strategies

  1. Obtaining patent protection for new technologies.
  2. Extracting additional value from its existing patents.
  3. Expanding its patent portfolio through acquisition and licensing.
  4. Licensing its technologies to other organizations.
  5. Selling or abandoning assets that are no longer valuable.

Can patents be kept secret?

Patents and secrets are mutually exclusive. You cannot obtain a patent on technology you want to keep secret from your competitors or the general public. When a patent application is filed, it is confidential. However, that secrecy ends when the patent application is published, or when the patent is granted.

How do you determine who owns a patent?

When you’re looking at a published application or issued patent, you’ll find the owner of the patent listed as the “assignee” of a patent. If there are no listed assignees, then the owner is the inventor or inventors.

How do royalties work?

Royalties are typically agreed upon as a percentage of gross or net revenues derived from the use of an asset or a fixed price per unit sold of an item of such, but there are also other modes and metrics of compensation. A royalty interest is the right to collect a stream of future royalty payments.