
How can I close my NRE NRO account?

How can I close my NRE NRO account?

Steps to close the NRE/NRO account:

  1. Download the Account closure form from the bank website.
  2. Fill up the entire form and sign it.
  3. Send the form to the bank for processing. [ You may also require to send the unused cheque leaves along with the closure form]

When should you close NRE account?

The reasonable period can be assumed as 3 months. If you have not converted the NRE account to resident account within 3 months, it would be considered as FEMA violation. It is better to avoid those hardships and convert the NRE accounts within a reasonable period.

How can I convert my NRO account to normal account?

A declaration for redesignation of NRE/NRO account to Resident Rupee Savings account or the RFC account is required to be filled up by the returning NRI. Details such as account number, joint holder details (if any), and customer id should be filled up and signed by all account holders.

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How do I repatriate money from NRE account?

Select transfer funds to ‘An Overseas account from NRE/NRO/FCNR Account’ Select the ‘Repatriation from NRO SB via Wire transfer’ Initiate the transaction by selecting a remitter account, beneficiary account and amount. Select the source of funds and amount from each source to be remitted.

Can I close my Indian bank account online?

Then, get the account closure form online from the Indian Bank website, or manually get it from the nearby Indian bank branch. When submitting the account closing form and KYC documents to the bank, the customer should also submit balance cheque leaves, debit card, and the passbook.

How can I repatriate money from NRO account?

To effect a repatriation transaction please provide the following documents:

  1. NRO Repatriation Application Form.
  2. A2 cum FEMA declaration.
  3. Form 15 CA & CB.
  4. Supporting documents to establish the source of funds being repatriated (see table below)