
How can I fill my PAN card with first name?

How can I fill my PAN card with first name?

While filling in your application, you should fill your surname before your first name. However, on the PAN card, your name will appear in the sequence of ‘First name Surname’. 2. There is a paperless facility called e-KYC and e-sign where your Aadhaar details will be used.

Why initials are not accepted in PAN card?

, Interested in personal names (given names and surname). PAN card issuing authority does not allow anybody to abbreviate their last name on the card. In other words, you cannot use initials for last name.

How can I know my PAN card first name and last name?

Steps to follow are:

  1. On the e-Filing website, click on “Know Your PAN”.
  2. Enter your Date of Birth or Date of incorporation in DD/MM/YYYY format.
  3. Enter your surname first, then enter your middle name and first name.
  4. Enter the Captcha Code as shown on the screen.
  5. Click on submit. You will Receive the Following Details:
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What is the format of name in PAN card?

You have to write your name in the place of Surname and leave first and middle name blank. ‘First Word’ of his name will be the ‘First Name’ of the applicant but a single alphabet and two alphabets (except above 90) as ‘First Name’ are not allowed.

What is surname and first name?

According to the dictionary, “a given name is a person’s first name, which they are given at birth in addition to their surname.” Whereas the surname is “the name borne in common by members of a family.” The surname is a hereditary name, which is common to all (or most) members of the family.

Is surname necessary on PAN card?

Individual applicants should provide full/abbreviated name to be printed on the PAN card. Name, if abbreviated, should necessarily contain the last name. For non individual applicants, this should be same as last name field in item no.

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Can surname be initial in PAN?

The Income Tax Department, however, does not accept initials. Hence it is advisable to use full names instead of initials. Just like every other form, PAN card application also requires two passport sized photos to be affixed in the form. Hence, only original photos should be attached in the form.