
How can I get degree certificate from SPPU?

How can I get degree certificate from SPPU?

Candidate can apply online for duplicate Degree Certificate, send the printout of same to the Controller of Examinations along with receipt of Bank Challan and Xerox copy of final year statement of marks. Who has obtained original degree certificate.

Is provisional certificate same as degree certificate?

Degree certificates are different from provisional certificates. A degree certificate draws light on the kind of course as well as the specialization pursued by a candidate, whereas, a provisional certificate has details related to marks secured in a particular course.

What is a provisional degree certificate and how to get it?

What is a Provisional Degree Certificate? Provisional Degree Certificate is a temporary document provided by a university until a permanent degree is issued and imparted on convocation. Generally, it continues to be a valid certificate for around 6 months or until a degree is issued to the students. It has no expiry date per se.

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What is a supplementary degree certificate in Pune University?

According to my knowledge, for Pune University, a supplementary degree certificate is also called as a provisional degree certificate, which is conferred to a student immidiately after he/she gets passed and cleared in the final year of the degree.

How to get transcript certificate from University of Pune?

1. The students who want to apply for Transcript certificate should apply online on University of Pune Website Savitribai Phule Pune University, One of the Premier Universities in India – Certificate Section- Transcript. 2. Students are required to download & fill the Transcript application form on same website.

What is the expiry date of provisional certificate?

It has no expiry date per se. However, the day your degree is issued by your institute, the Provisional Certificate will no longer hold any importance. It is mainly dispensed as a temporary replacement for the degree and this certificate is proof of the fact that the degree has not been issued yet.