
How can I get job in PWD Kerala?

How can I get job in PWD Kerala?

First of all, candidates must check the official website, which is Candidates must register as per ONE TIME REGISTRATION with the official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission before applying for the post.

What is the best job after BTech?

8. A Job in the Private Sector

Career Opportunities / Jobs after B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
Professor Computer Programmer
Design Engineer Manufacturing Engineer
Aircraft Production Manager Mechanical Design Engineer
Assistant Technical Officer Development Engineer

What is the procedure to become a PWD officer?

Now for state PWD, The Particular state will take exam under their state public service commission. You have to full fill all their criterias so you are eligible for exam. Again states are taking exam for Junior engineer (JE) and Assistant engineer (AE).

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How do I join the Public Works Department as a civil engineer?

As a civil engineer, one can either join the Public Works Department at the levels of a sub-engineer or an Assistant Engineer. At the Central level, for the post of Junior Engineer, SSC (Staff Selection Commission) conducts an examination – SSC JE Exam annually, offering candidature in CPWD, along with other central departments.

What is the eligibility criteria for junior engineer post in Public Work Department?

Here we will give you the Eligibility criteria for Junior Engineer Post in Public Work Department . 1.You should complete the graduation (B.E/B.Tech ) in Civil Engineering or Diploma with Graduation in B.E/B.Tech from Civil department from the recognized university. 3.There is a Age relaxation applicable for all the reserved candidates.

What is the procedure to become a junior engineer in CPWD?

At the Central level, for the post of Junior Engineer, SSC (Staff Selection Commission) conducts an examination – SSC JE Exam annually, offering candidature in CPWD, along with other central departments. In a similar manner, Engineering Services Examination by UPSC is held for the post of Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE) in CPWD.