
How can I get original Marksheet from Sol?

How can I get original Marksheet from Sol?

Step – 1 – The very first step obviously is to go to the official portal of the university at Step – 2 – Here, you will find Marksheet option so just click on it. Step – 3 – Now, you have to first enter your SOL number and your exam number.

How do I download my SOL graduation certificate?

Visit the official website: Click on ”DOWNLOAD DIGITAL DEGREE FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2020” Enter your personal details including Type (SOL/NON-SOL), Enrolment number, Examination roll number. Click on verify details.

What do you mean by self attested Marksheet?

Self attested is not anything which you have to specially take from anywhere, it means that your sign should be on the document. As you have asked for self attested marksheet so it means that marksheet should consists of your sign.

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How to download the mark sheet for Du Sol?

The mark sheet for DU SOL will be released online on the official website. In order to download the mark sheet candidates need to enter the following details: Various distance mode UG and PG courses are offered by School of Open Learning, Delhi University through DU SOL admission.

How do I get my Sol marksheet attested at Delhi University?

U have to go to SOL North Campus n there u will get the marksheet attested… Just take a printout of your marksheet from sol http:// Go to the university of Delhi office at vishwavidyalaya and get it stamped. 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank.

How to check Sol du result 2021 online?

Candidates must note that SOL DU Result can be checked only in online mode. They will not be sent any hardcopy of the result. In order to check DU SOL Result, candidates will have to log in to their DU SOL account using their SOL Roll Number and Exam Roll Number and then select the year of exam and course.

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How to get Du Sol provisional certificate online?

Provisional certificate is Available Online in DU SOL Official Website ! Login with your SOL Roll Number and Bar-code (Available in SOL ID Card) (Top Right Corner) Then, the Provisional certificate will appear. Take the printout for your further uses.