
How can I go to Bhadrachalam from Visakhapatnam?

How can I go to Bhadrachalam from Visakhapatnam?

Bhadrachalam is located at a distance of approximately 345 km from Visakhapatnam. Currently, 2 bus operators are running more than 11 buses on this route. One can choose any bus service based on the budget, availability, and comfort. It takes approximately 09 hrs and 00 mins to reach Bhadrachalam from Visakhapatnam.

How can I go to Srisailam from Visakhapatnam by train?

The first train from Visakhapatnam to Srisailam is Prasanthi Express departure at 13:05 from Visakhapatnam.

Which is the nearest railway station for Srisailam?

Markapur railway station
Srisailam is situated on the River Krishna in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh. Other Nearest station is Markapur railway station. Srisailam do not have a railway station to allow trains to Srisailam. Another nearest railway station to Srisailam is Markapur railway station.

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Is there Airport in Srisailam?

The closest airport to Srisailam is the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport in Hyderabad. This airport is well connected to the rest of India with many domestic flights from key cities such as… Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, as well as smaller cities like Tirupati, Vijaywada, Vishakhapatnam, etc.

Which is nearest city to Srisailam?

Major cities near Srisailam, India

  • 151 km to Hyderabad, India.
  • 157 km to Secunderabad, India.
  • 161 km to Raichur, India.
  • 171 km to Guntur, India.
  • 193 km to Vijayawada, India.
  • 206 km to Anantapur, India.
  • 217 km to Nellore, India.
  • 227 km to Warangal, India.

How much time does it take for darshan in Srisailam?

In a press release on Wednesday, the temple authorities said as the state government relaxed the curfew timings from 9 pm to 6 am across the state, the devotees will be allowed to have the darshan from 6 am to 3.30 pm and again from 6 pm to 8 pm. The temple will be cleaned between 3.30 pm to 6 pm.

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How can I reach Mallikarjuna Temple?

The nearest railway station is in Cumbum district, which is some 60 km. away from Srisailam. You can get a regular passenger as well as express trains from Cumbum for Srisailam.

How can I reach Srisailam by flight?

Is darshan available at Srisailam?

However, free sparsha darshan will be made available to all devotees from 2.30pm to 3.30 pm every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Where is Mallikarjun situated?

The Shri Mallikarjuna (Konkani:श्री मल्लिकार्जुन) temple dedicated to Lord Mallikarjun, an incarnation of Lord Shiva is situated in the Sristhal village which is 7 km northeast of Chaudi in Canacona taluk in the South Goa district of Goa, India.