
How can I improve my sit and reach test?

How can I improve my sit and reach test?

Proper Steps

  1. Read “Getting Started” before beginning any exercise.
  2. Sit on floor with legs extended together out in front of body.
  3. Straighten back and lock knees.
  4. Exhale and slowly reach forward to toes until mild discomfort is felt in the hamstrings.
  5. Hold stretch for 10-30 sec.
  6. This stretch should be felt in the hamstrings.

What is the average sit and reach for a 14 year old?


Gender Excellent Average
Male >14 10.9 – 7.0
Female >15 11.9 – 7.0

What is the average V sit reach?

Sit and Reach Test Norms

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cm inches
excellent +17 to +27 +6.5 to +10.5
good +6 to +16 +2.5 to +6.0
average 0 to +5 0 to +2.0
fair -8 to -1 -3.0 to -0.5

What is a good sit and reach score?

Sit and Reach Normative Data Results Table

Result Men Women
Excellent 32 – 41cm 36 – 44cm
Good 21 – 29cm 26 – 35cm
Average 15 – 20cm 16 -25cm
Fair 8 – 15cm 7 – 15cm

What is the best score in sit and reach?

Sit and Reach Test

Fitness category Males Females
Excellent >46.5cm >45.5cm
Good 46.5 – 38.0 45.5 – 38.0
Average 37.5 – 27.0 37.5 – 29.0
Below Average 26.5 – 17.0 28.5 – 20.0

How do you do sit and reach at home?

Sit and Reach Test Place the ruler on the ground between your legs or on the top of the step. Place one hand on top of the other with the fingertips together, then reach slowly forward, keeping your legs straight. At the point of your greatest reach, hold for a couple of seconds, and measure how far you have reached.

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What is a good score for sit and reach?

Who uses the sit and reach test?

The sit and reach test is a common measure of flexibility, and specifically measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles. This test is important as because tightness in this area is implicated in lumbar lordosis, forward pelvic tilt and lower back pain.

How can I improve my flexibility?

Stretch It Out: 5 Ways To Improve Your Flexibility

  1. Get warm. Whether your goal is to prevent injury or run your fastest 5K, it’s important to warm up your muscles before activity.
  2. Hold still.
  3. Take a break.
  4. Try yoga.
  5. Get a massage.