
How can I register my NRI marriage in India?

How can I register my NRI marriage in India?

Every NRI who marries a citizen of India or another NRI must get his marriage registered within 30 days. If the marriage occurs outside India, it must be registered with a Marriage Officer, who will be appointed from among the diplomatic officers in a foreign country.

What do I need to marry someone from another country?

Foreign countries may require parental consent, residency and affidavits of eligibility to marry. If you plan to marry abroad, be sure to research that country’s marital laws. Also check with your state’s attorney general to be sure that your international marriage will be legal here in the United States.

Does India recognize foreign marriages?

It is the foundation of the act of foreign marriage in India. The marriages solemnized under this act require that one party is Indian or other party is a foreigner. The parties can be both Indian but solemnizing their marriage outside India or one party can be a Non-Resident of India (NRI).

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Can marriage registration be done online in India?

As discussed, a marriage in India can be registered both online and offline. Online registration of marriage in India is available in major cities across India. One need to log in to the official website of the state in which the marriage was solemnized, or either of the partners is residing for more than six months.

Is it compulsory to register a marriage in India?

People often debate whether to have their marriage registered in court or not. The Supreme Court of India, in 2006, made it mandatory to register all marriages in the eyes of the law, making it an important certificate to prove your relationship with your spouse.

What is NRI marriage?

‘NRI marriages’, as generally understood, are between an Indian woman from India and an Indian man residing in another country (thus NRI – non-resident Indian), either as Indian citizen (when he would legally be an ‘NRI’) or as citizen of that other country (when he would legally be a PIO – person of Indian origin).

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How long does it take to register a marriage?

How soon can I get married or register a civil partnership? The standard notice period is 29 days. This is the earliest that you would be able to marry or register your civil partnership. If you have been referred to the Home Office, they may extend the notice to 71 days.