
How can we store questions and answers in MySQL database?

How can we store questions and answers in MySQL database?

The Quiz Answer Table can be used to store the answers of single-choice, multiple-choice and select type questions. In the case of a single-choice question, the answers can be Yes and No. Below mentioned is the description of all the columns of the Quiz Answer Table. The unique id to identify the quiz answer.

How do I add a foreign key to a table in MySQL?

After creating a table, if we want to add a foreign key to an existing table, we need to execute the ALTER TABLE statement as below:

  1. ALTER TABLE Contact ADD INDEX par_ind ( Person_Id );
  2. ALTER TABLE Contact ADD CONSTRAINT fk_person.

How do I create a student database in MySQL?

How To Create a MySQL Database, Tables and Insert Data

  1. CREATE DATABASE – create the database. To use this statement, you need the CREATE privilege for the database.
  2. CREATE TABLE – create the table.
  3. INSERT – To add/insert data to table i.e. inserts new rows into an existing table.
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How do I add a foreign key to an existing table in MySQL workbench?

To add a foreign key, click the last row in the Foreign Key Name list. Enter a name for the foreign key and select the column or columns that you wish to index by checking the column name in the Column list. You can remove a column from the index by removing the check mark from the appropriate column.

How can I create a database in mysql?

Open the MySQL Workbench as an administrator (Right-click, Run as Admin). Click on File>Create Schema to create the database schema. Enter a name for the schema and click Apply. In the Apply SQL Script to Database window, click Apply to run the SQL command that creates the schema.

How do I create a database schema in mysql?

Open the MySQL Workbench as an administrator (Right-click, Run as Admin). Right-click on the list of existing Schemas and select Create Schema… to create the database schema. Enter a name for the schema and for collation choose ‘utf – utf8_bin’. Then click Apply.