
How did Ben Solo get to Exegol in a TIE Fighter?

How did Ben Solo get to Exegol in a TIE Fighter?

In the movie, we see Ben Solo arrive on Exegol and as he goes to help Rey, we get a shot of the X-Wing she arrived in. He found an old TIE fighter on Kef Bir (there must have been one in that Death Star wreckage) and then made his way to Exegol.

How did KYLO Ren survive the TIE Fighter Crash?

TIE Fighter Crash Doing a precise backflip, she slashed through one of the aircraft’s wings with her lightsaber, causing it to torpedo with its pilot still inside. The crash was so hard that the ship was essentially destroyed, yet still Kylo Ren survived and even managed to fight Rey in the desert.

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Did Vader ever go to Exegol?

Outcome. During the Imperial Era, sometime after the Duel on Cloud City, the Sith Lord Darth Vader undertook a mission to the planet Exegol in the galaxy’s Unknown Regions to confront his Sith Master, the Galactic Emperor and Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, also known as Sheev Palpatine, and uncover his secrets.

How did Ben get off KEF?

Rey’s selfless act, in turn, reverted Kylo Ren back to Ben Solo, who was then finally redeemed by the memory of his dead father Han Solo (Harrison Ford). However, Rey stole Kylo’s TIE Interceptor and fled to Ahch-To, which seemingly left Ben stranded on Kef Bir.

How did Rey find Exegol?

After burning the ship on Ahch-To, Rey discovered the other wayfinder in the wreckage of the ship and use the wayfinder to travel to Exegol in Luke’s X-wing starfighter while transmitting the coordinates to the Resistance so they can defeat the First Order, the Sith Eternal, the Final Order, and Darth Sidious once and …

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How did Poe survive?

2. How did Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) survive the crash on Jakku? In the novelization of The Force Awakens, we learn that a concussed Poe actually awoke in the crashed TIE fighter and later protects a scavenger from thugs, thus earning himself a ride to an outpost, where he is able to contact the Resistance.

How does Rey find Exegol?

Where is Exegol in the Star Wars galaxy?

Exegol (also spelled Ixigul in ancient texts) was a dark desert planet located within the Unknown Regions that, according to legend, was the hidden redoubt world of the Sith. It was occupied by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious and the Sith Eternal by 35 ABY.