
How did Cobb and Saito leave limbo?

How did Cobb and Saito leave limbo?

Cobb and Mal manage to leave Limbo by committing suicide, presumably straight into the waking world. When Cobb finally appears before him in Limbo, Saito and Cobb remember that they are dreaming and wake themselves up, leaving Limbo once and for all.

How did Saito come back?

After using the grenade to kill many projections, Saito dies, and goes into Limbo. Both Cobb and Saito awake from Limbo, presumably having shot themselves, and Saito immediately honors his agreement to Cobb, allowing him to return to his family with a single phone call.

How long were Saito and Cobb in limbo?

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Therefore, Cobb and Saito would have been trapped in limbo for 182 years if they hadn’t been kicked out of the dream. It’s tempting to also use the 1:20 ratio to calculate how much time might have passed for Cobb and Mal on the surface when they were trapped in limbo.

How did Cobb and Mal end up in limbo?

Cobb explains to Ariadne that he and Mal, his wife, ended up in their world-building limbo because they were experimenting with multi-dreams and Cobb pushed them too deep. He says they grew “old” together and eventually committed suicide on the train tracks to go back to reality.

Did Cobb save Saito?

Instead, they drop into Limbo – an unconstructed dream space that only Cobb is familiar with. In the third Inception dream level, Saito assists the group but ultimately dies, along with Fischer, who is subsequently sent to Limbo but saved by Cobb and Ariadne.

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Did Cobb wake up at the end of Inception?

To be clear, DiCaprio’s Cobb is awake at the end of the movie and reunited with his real children, not false projections that could never realize these young souls in all their perfections and all their imperfections. They’re the real deal.

What idea does Saito want to implant in Robert Fischer’s mind?

Answer: To disband Robert’s dying father’s corporation Saito thought that Robert’s father’s company was his business rival, so it was in his best interest if he could “ask” Robert to somehow dismantle his father’s empire. So, Saito asked Dom to do him the favor, simply by “inserting” a simple idea into Robert’s mind.

Why does Saito age in Inception?

In the movie, we see that the scene right after the van sinks is with Cobb waking up on the beach. Saito is old because those minutes between both deaths felt like decades in limbo.