
How did Narcissa lie for Draco?

How did Narcissa lie for Draco?

Narcissa Malfoy’s very dangerous lie When Harry survived Voldemort’s Killing Curse for the second time, Narcissa pretended he was dead so she could get to Draco. Hands, softer than he had been expecting, touched Harry’s face, pulled back an eyelid, crept beneath his shirt, down to his chest and felt his heart.

What did Narcissa do for Draco?

She was very devoted to Draco, sending him sweets and cakes by owl every day during his first year at Hogwarts. Narcissa attended the 1994 Quidditch World Cup in August 1994 with her husband and son, watching the game from Fudge’s luxury box.

Does Narcissa care about Draco?

8 She’s A Loving Mother Narcissa is a deeply flawed and prejudiced character who’s been on the side of You-Know-Who all the way until the very last book. Be that as it may, she’s an incredibly caring and loving mother to her son Draco.

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How did Voldemort not know Narcissa was lying?

He believed that her fear of him was much greater than her love for Draco, and so he didn’t think she would lie to him for any reason. We talked about similarities between Narcissa Malfoy, Lily Potter, and Molly Weasley in r/hprankdown if you want to check it out.

Why do narcissists want to throw things in your face?

In others, they simply want to have something to throw in your face when you discover they’re still doing ‘that thing’ they promised you they would stop doing. A general exception to this shady practice is the cerebral narcissist, who uses their intelligence to lord over others.

Why do narcissists refuse to accept what they want?

Narcissists can’t actually fathom why someone would refuse them. Because they lack real empathy, they can’t understand what must be going on in your mind. Moreover, even if they try to comprehend it, they refuse to accept this reality. Have you ever tried to set a boundary with a narcissist?

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What is the last thing a narcissist want?

The last thing a narcissist want, is to lose control over someone close to him. Ageing: Nobody likes ageing but narcissists depend on their good “physique” and beauty to get the narcissistic supply that they need need in order to cope with the deep low self-esteem.

How does a narcissist use love bombing?

Narcissists use love-bombing to keep you captured and intrigued. They’ll win you over with their charm and wit and cognitive empathy. They’ll make you feel special in ways you’ve never felt before (all through the use of cognitive empathy, of course). But the narcissist never wants you to think for yourself.