
How did Poe Dameron escape Jakku?

How did Poe Dameron escape Jakku?

After Ren obtained intel from Poe’s mind using his Force powers, the captive got help from a stormtrooper that just deserted his post. FN-2187, who Poe renamed “Finn”, led his new ally to a TIE fighter, allowing the pair to escape.

How did Poe survive Jakku?

According to the novelization of the film, whereas Finn ejected from the TIE fighter prior to the crash, Poe Dameron regained consciousness in time to guide it in for a landing, and simply got up and left the wreck.

Why was Poe Dameron demoted?

Dameron defected to the Resistance, where he became one of General Leia Organa’s most trusted operatives. During the subsequent battle of D’Qar, Dameron disobeyed orders and led an attack on the First Order Dreadnought Fulminatrix, but his reckless actions caused him to be demoted from Wing Commander to captain.

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How did Rey leave Jakku?

The real reason why Rey’s parents abandoned her on Jakku was because they were protecting her from her grandfather Emperor Palpatine. Unfortunately for her parents, Palpatine sent Ochi, a Sith loyalist, to retrieve Rey. When they wouldn’t give up Rey’s location he killed them both.

What did Finn take from Rey?

While Finn staggered to a happabore trough to desperately slake his thirst, he noticed thugs attempting to steal a BB unit droid, which Finn recognized as BB-8, from a woman, Rey, but she fended them off with her staff. BB-8 noticed Finn, wearing his master Poe Dameron’s jacket, prompting Rey to chase after him.

How did Rey and Finn meet?

Finn first met Rey on the planet Jakku, after he rescued Poe Dameron from the First Order and it appeared that the pilot had apparently died during the rescue attempt. Their relationship at first gets off on the wrong foot, when Rey and BB-8 believe he had stole the jacket that belonged to the droid’s master.

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How does the Falcon get to Jakku?

After the events of Return of the Jedi, the Falcon is stolen from Solo, ending up on the planet Jakku under the ownership of a scrap dealer, Unkar Plutt, 30 years after the Battle of Endor. After the death of Solo, Rey pilots the Falcon, with Chewbacca as her co-pilot.

How did Poe survive the sand?

How did Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) survive the crash on Jakku? In the novelization of The Force Awakens, we learn that a concussed Poe actually awoke in the crashed TIE fighter and later protects a scavenger from thugs, thus earning himself a ride to an outpost, where he is able to contact the Resistance. 3.

Why did Leia stun Poe?

As the Resistance hastily evacuated D’Qar, Poe disobeyed Leia’s orders and destroyed a First Order Dreadnought, an attack that cost many pilots’ lives. He was stunned when an angry Leia demoted him, and shook to his core by an attack on the Raddus.

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How did bb8 get to Jakku?

After stormtroopers blew up Poe’s starfighter, the pilot hid an object given to him by San Tekka inside BB-8’s chassis and told the droid to flee, promising to track his companion down. As the First Order attack began, BB-8 raced off into the Jakku night.