
How did Stegosaurus fight?

How did Stegosaurus fight?

Stegosaurus defended itself by attacking its enemies with its spiked tail. Allosaurus bones have been found with holes made by Stegosaurus tail spikes.

Did T Rex eat Stegosaurus?

Have a nice night! Tyrannosaurus Rex did not prey on Stegosaurus. Stegosaurus is from the Jurassic Period, but Tyrannosaurus is from the Cretaceous Period. But if they fought, its more of a 70:30 chance, tipping towards Stegosaurus.

Which carnivorous dinosaur was the strongest?

A: The strongest was probably the biggest, ultrasauros, who was six-stories high. Or, among meat-eaters, T. rex. Q: In the book The Biggest Dinosaurs by Michael Berenstain, it says that the seismosaurus, found in Mexico, might be larger than the ultrasaurus.

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How did the Stegosaurus protect itself?

A large, slow moving plant-eater, Stegosaurus would have defended itself from predators like Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus with its powerful spiked tail.

Did T rex lived with Stegosaurus?

Contrary to what many people think, not all dinosaurs lived during the same geological period. Stegosaurus, for example, lived during the Late Jurassic Period, about 150 million years ago. Tyrannosaurus rex lived during the Late Cretaceous Period, about 72 million years ago.

How long did T Rex exist on Earth?

Finally, T. rex existed as a species for 1.2 to 3.6 million years. With all of this information, we calculate that T. rex existed for 66,000 to 188,000 generations.

What is the relationship between Ankylosaurus and Stegosaurus?

Stegosaurus Was Closely Related to Ankylosaurus. The stegosaurs of the late Jurassic period were cousins of the ankylosaurs (armored dinosaurs), which prospered tens of millions of years later, during the middle to late Cretaceous period. Both of these dinosaur families are grouped under the larger classification of “thyreophorans”…

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What are some interesting facts about Stegosaurus?

Below, you’ll discover 10 fascinating facts about Stegosaurus, the popular plant-eating dinosaur with the spiked tail and plated back. A sideview of the skeleton of a Stegosaurus, shows the skull with limited space for a brain, plus a spine with numerous fanlike plates.

How many Dinosaurs Attack cards are there in total?

Dinosaurs Attack! is a trading card series by Topps, released in 1988, and containing 55 cards and 11 sticker cards. The cards tell the story of dinosaurs transported through time into the present day through a freak accident and wreaking havoc on Earth. The series is notable for its graphic…

What kind of dinosaur has a crest on its head?

The meat-eating dinosaur Cryolophosaurus stands out for two reasons: It was an early carnosaur, predating others of its kind by tens of millions of years, and it had a strange crest atop its head that ran from ear to ear, rather than from front to back, like an Elvis Presley pompadour. 22 of 80 Dahalokely (dah-HAH-loo-KAY-lee), Small Bandit

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