
How do I access DBpedia?

How do I access DBpedia?

DBpedia Live SPARQL Endpoint: The DBpedia-Live SPARQL Endpoint can be accessed at

Is DBpedia a good source?

For the API availability, DBpedia is the most reliable; its SPARQL endpoind is roughly available at every time.

How do I run a Sparql query?

Executing the query

  1. Windows setup. Execute: bat\sparql.bat –data=doc\Tutorial\vc-db-1.rdf –query=doc\Tutorial\q1.rq.
  2. bash scripts for Linux/Cygwin/Unix. Execute: bin/sparql –data=doc/Tutorial/vc-db-1.rdf –query=doc/Tutorial/q1.rq.
  3. Using the Java command line applications directly. (This is not necessary.)

What is Sparql endpoint?

A SPARQL Endpoint is a Point of Presence on an HTTP network that’s capable of receiving and processing SPARQL Protocol requests. It is identified by a URL commonly referred to as a SPARQL Endpoint URL.

How does DBpedia spotlight work?

DBpedia Spotlight is a tool for annotating mentions of DBpedia resources in text. This allows linking unstructured information sources to the Linked Open Data cloud through DBpedia. DBpedia Spotlight performs named entity extraction, including entity detection and name resolution (in other words, disambiguation).

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Why is DBpedia important?

By providing the critical kernel around which the Linked Open Data Cloud blossomed, DBpedia enabled that cloud to become today’s massive reference database that allows anyone to look up the description of an entity based on either its hyperlink-based identifier or its literal label.

What is LOD cloud?

The LOD Cloud is a Knowledge Graph that manifests as a Semantic Web of Linked Data. It is the natural product of several ingredients: Open Standards — such as URI, URL, HTTP, HTML, RDF, RDF-Turtle (and other RDF Notations), the SPARQL Query Language, the SPARQL Protocol, and SPARQL Query Solution Document Types.

What is DBpedia databus?

The DBpedia Databus – Transforming Linked Data into a Networked Data Economy.