
How do I add a Subject Alternative Name to a certificate?

How do I add a Subject Alternative Name to a certificate?

To add a Subject Alternative Name

  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Select SSL Certificates and then select Manage for the certificate you want to change.
  3. Select Change Subject Alternative Names.
  4. For Add a domain, enter the SAN you want to add and then select Add.

How do I add a Subject Alternative Name certificate in SAP?

To get a certificate with Subject Alternative Name (SAN), you must now enter DNS= at the beginning of the DN field: You can specify multiple server names separated by colon “:”. Then you should have a certificate with DNS tag: To sign the new certificate, create a CSR in the usual way.

How do I create a subject alternative name certificate openssl?

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Creating a self-signed certificate with Subject Alternative Name

  1. Create a file with the name domain.cnf and add the following configuration as per your requirement:
  2. Download the Openssl utility.
  3. Create the certificate either on Microsoft Windows or on Linux:
  4. Create the .pfx file from cert and key file:
  5. Import the .

What is subject alternative name in certificates?

The Subject Alternative Name field lets you specify additional host names (sites, IP addresses, common names, etc.) to be protected by a single SSL Certificate, such as a Multi-Domain (SAN) or Extend Validation Multi-Domain Certificate.

How many subject alternative names can a certificate have?

Subject Alternative Name (SAN) Certificates Depending on the issuing Certificate Authority, SAN certificates can support 100 or more different FQDNs in one certificate. A SAN certificate includes the standard Subject Name field, which supports a single primary web-based service name.

What does do not specify subject alternative names?

The newest version of Google Chrome 58 requires that certificates specify the hostname(s) to which they apply in the SubjectAltName field. The error, Security certificate does not specify subject alternative names trigger if the certificate does not have the correct SubjectAlternativeName extension.

How do I run Sapgenpse?

You can run ‘sapgenpse -h’ to get the general sapgenpse documentation. As you can see below all available functions and a brief description will be displayed: ‘gen_pse’ is the function that generates a new PSE file.

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How do I view PSE files?

Checking a PSE file Details Using SAPGENPSE We can use “get_my_name” option with “sapgenpse” command to get the details of the related PSE file.

How do you add SAN while creating CSR?

Here is how:

  1. Acquire an Enrollment Agent Certificate.
  2. Modify an SSL certificate template to require an EA certificate for issuance.
  3. Acquire a CSR that needs SAN Information.
  4. Use the EA certificate to resign the CSR while adding the SAN information.

How do I add SAN to certificate request?

To submit a certificate request that includes a SAN to a stand-alone CA, follow these steps:

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Click Request a Certificate.
  3. Click Advanced certificate request.
  4. Click Create and submit a request to this CA.
  5. Provide identifying information as required.

How do you fix security certificate does not specify subject alternative names?

Add the Common Name for the Subject Name, and the DNS name for the Alternative Name. Enter a Friendly Name on the General tab. Optionally, make the private key exportable on the Private Key tab and click OK.

Can a certificate have multiple common names?

No, you can not create an SSL Certificate with Multiple Common names, you need to get a Multi-Domain (SAN) SSL Certificate.

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How to get Subject Alternative names (San) for a SSL certificate?

To get the Subject Alternative Names (SAN) for a certificate, use the following command: First, this command connects to the site we want (, port 443 for SSL): This takes the certificate file and outputs all its juicy details.

How do I add a subject alternative name in keytool?

If you’re using keytool, as of Java 7, keytool has an option to include a Subject Alternative Name (see the table in the documentation for -ext ): you could use -ext or -ext san=ip:

How do I add a subject alternative name to a DNS?

If you’re using keytool, as of Java 7, keytool has an option to include a Subject Alternative Name (see the table in the documentation for -ext): you could use -ext or -ext san=ip: Note that you only need Java 7’s keytool to use this command.

How do I create an SSL certificate?

Making an SSL certificate is pretty easy, and so is signing a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) that you’ve gotten from something else. Essentially, you do this; openssl ca -policy policy_anything -out -infiles You should then have three main artifacts from that process –